as they pay Import tariffs (taxes) on goods, HICS pay subsidies (payments from governments to the producer) which makes them cheaper and world trade system encourages a "race to the bottom"
Many tropical countries unfortunately suffer from diseases that thrive in hot humid conditions, such as Dengue Fever and Malaria. People who get these diseases are incapacitated and cannot work or may even die, limiting development.
Hurricanes and drought are more likely to strike some countries than others. Could have a devastating impact on development. Diverting valuable resources away from other development objectives.
Centrally planned, socialist or communist countries. These countries had different structure to those of the first world and had much more government control of business and public services.
Created in 1971 as a division that exists between the wealthy developed countries, known collectively as "the North", and the poorer developing countries (least developed countries), or "the South."
Contained Rich industrialising countries, Oil Exporting countries, New Industrializing countries, Former centrally planned economies (previous communist systems) and Heavily indebted poor countries