Hydrological cycle

Cards (14)

  • Inputs: Precipitation - water into system through rain and snow, the amount of this has an impact on water levels in system.
  • Storage: Interception - when leaves/roots of vegetation soak up water.
  • Storage: Soil moisture - water held in upper layers of soil.
  • Storage: Groundwater - Water held in lower layers of rock forming the water table.
  • Storage: Surface storage - Water stored in rivers, oceans, lakes, ice, glaciers and snow on mountains.
  • Storage: Condensation - Water changes into droplets and is temporarily held in clouds.
  • Transfers/flow: Advection - Movement of clouds that contain water droplets.
  • Transfers/flow: Surface run-off - Water running off land into rivers and sea.
  • Transfers/flow: Infiltration - Movement of water downwards through soil, affected by porosity of soil.
  • Transfers/flow: Through flow - Movement of water through upper soil layers towards river.
  • Transfers/flow: Groundwater - Movement of water through lower rock layers (very slow).
  • Transfers/flow: Percolation - Movement of water downwards through rocks (effected by permeability of rock).
  • Output: Transpiration - Loss of water from vegetation (leaves the system).
  • Output: Evaporation - Liquid water heats up from suns energy and turns into gas (leaves the system).