Cards (17)

  • The first North American colony established by the British was Jamestown in 1607
  • Joint stock company
    A new economic model of funding where a group of investors pooled their money together and shared the financial risk
  • The purpose of the Jamestown colony was profit, as the investors wanted to make money
  • Famine, disease, and even cannibalism plagued the Jamestown colony in its early years
  • Tobacco
    A crop that saved the Jamestown colony after it was discovered and cultivated by colonist John Rolfe
  • Indentured servants
    Colonists who couldn't afford the passage across the Atlantic and signed a 7-year labor contract to pay off their settlement fees
  • Increased demand for tobacco
    Led to farmers needing more land, which caused tension and conflict with Native Americans
  • Bacon's Rebellion was led by angry farmers and indentured servants against Native Americans and the colonial governor William Berkeley
  • After Bacon's Rebellion, the elite planters began to seek a new source of labor - enslaved people from Africa
  • Pilgrims
    Protestant settlers who were unhappy with the Church of England and sought to emigrate to live by their own conscience
  • The Pilgrims did not primarily come to America for religious freedom, but for economic reasons as they had trouble making a living in Holland
  • The New England colonies were settled largely as family groups, unlike the Jamestown settlers
  • Tobacco became the primary cash crop in the British West Indies, but was later replaced by the more profitable sugarcane
  • The growth and production of sugarcane led to a spike in demand for enslaved Africans, with the majority of the population on Barbados becoming black by 1660
  • The Middle Colonies developed an export economy based on cereal crops due to their location by the sea and rivers
  • Pennsylvania was founded by the Quaker William Penn and exhibited values of religious freedom and negotiation with Native Americans for land
  • Despite their differences, the British colonies in North America developed unusually democratic systems of governance, with representative assemblies and participatory town meetings