
Cards (95)

  • achieved status
    The respect a person has from something that they have done in their lives
  • Ageism
    This is behaviour in which people are treated differently because of age. Young and older people are particularly likely to experience ageism.
  • Agency of socialisation
    A social institution which socialises people, for example, the family, education, the mass media or religion
  • Alternative status
    This is when you gain respect in a sub-culture, or a small group of people and
  • Ascribed status
    This is the status or respect that you are born with and it can be based on gender, family, or ethnicity
  • Asylum seeker
    Person seeking to escape oppression or political in his or her home country
  • Birth rate
    Number of babies born per thousand people
  • blended family
    (Aka reconstituted family) has parents and children from more than one relationship in it
  • Britain
    The name of the large island that comprises Scotland, Wales and England (aka Great Britain)
  • Canalisation
    Parents try and push children in certain directions, for instance by giving them gendered clothing
  • Capitalism
    Economic structure of countries (e.g. USA and Britain) where people acquire wealth through making profits
  • Class
    Group of people of similar work, wealth, education and status
  • class identity
    A way of seeing yourself as being part of a social class
  • cohabitation
    People live together without marriage
  • Community
    A group of people with a shared culture
  • Comprehensive school
    A type of school where people all have an equal chance to succeed in education
  • Conform
    To follow social rules
  • Conjugal roles
    The work that is done in the home depending on the gender
  • Consumption
    To use or buy
  • Contemporary
    Happening now
  • Crime
    An act against the law
  • Cultural capital
    The type of knowledge that can give you power over other people
  • Cultural relativity
    The idea that right and wrong depend upon the norms and values of the culture to which you belong
  • cultural universal
    There are certain features of social life that are common to all cultures. All societies share These features:
    - religions
    - families
    - traditions
    - laws
    - norms
  • Culture
    The way of life of a group of people and consists of norms and values
  • Dark figure of crime
    The crime we don't know about (e.g. not reported) sometimes known as the hidden figure
  • Death rate
    Number of people who die per thousand people (also called mortality rate)
  • Delinquent
    Young criminal
  • Democracy
    A society where everyone has a right to have a say in who governs them
  • Deviant
    A person who breaks social rules such as norms and values. Other people see a deviant as either 'mad' or 'bad
  • Devolution
    Power is moved from London to other areas of the country so in that always, the Assembly has power to make rules
  • Dictatorship
    This is a society that is ruled by one person
  • Differentiation
    The term used to describe the way that some people and some social groups are made different from others. The most common forms of differentiation are on the basis of social class, age, gender an ethnicity
  • Discrimination
    This is the power to act on a prejudice so that you act differently and in a way that is unfair to people in some social groups
  • Divorce
    The legal end of a marriage
  • Domestic labour
    Housework, or unpaid work in the home
  • Education
    The process of learning be skills needed for your culture
  • Election
    People are able to choose a government by voting in an election
  • Emigrants
    Someone who moves out of an area
  • Equality of access
    People all do equally well or badly in society regardless of their age, gender or background