Humans require nutrients in large quantities each day
Macro (means ‘large’)
Measured in grams (g)
Provide differing amounts of energy
While water is required in largeproportions every day, it does not provide energy and is therefore not considered a true macronutrient
Structure and Classification of Carbohydrates
Made from combinations of the elements Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen (CHO)
Atoms of these elements arrange into a variety of structures called saccharides.
The carbohydrate saccharides we consume include:
Monosaccharides (single unit)
Disaccharides (double unit of two joined monosaccharides)
Oligosaccharides (small number of joined monosaccharides, typically three to ten)
Polysaccharides (long linear or highly branched chains of many joined monosaccharides).
Simple Carbohydrates
Monosaccharides and disaccharides are Simple carbohydrates (sugars)
Consist of only one or two sugar units (saccharides) – smaller in size & therefore easily absorbed
Each monosaccharide contains 6carbon atoms, 12 hydrogen atoms & 6oxygen atoms, which can be written in shorthand as C6H12O6
The monosaccharides include:
The disaccharides include:
Maltose (glucose + glucose)
Sucrose (glucose + fructose)
Lactose (glucose + galactose)
“Simple” sugars
Chemical formula: C6H12O6
Simplest forms of carbohydrates
Cannot be brokendown into anothersimpler form, contributing to its quickrelease into the bloodstream
Sweet to taste
the difference in arrangement of atoms results in different levels of sweetness
Soluble in water
Most common referred to as:
“blood sugar”
Most carbohydrates are converted into glucose
During digestion, carbohydrates are brokendown into their simplest sugars to allow for absorption into the bloodstream and transportation to all the body’s tissues.
Quickenergy source
“Fruit” sugar
Sweetest of sugars
Formed from the digestion of lactose (present in milk)
Formed by the joining of two monosaccharides and removal of a water molecule
Double sugars “di”
Still considered simple sugars
Digestion required only one bond between monosaccharides to be broken
How atoms are linked affects its properties
Each has its own digestive enzyme to break it down
Sucrase 🡪 sucrose
Maltase 🡪 maltose
Lactase 🡪 lactose
Sweet to taste (can vary in strength)
Soluble in water
Chemical formula: C12H22O11
Most Common Disaccharides
Sucrose (glucose + fructose)
Lactose (glucose + galactose)
Maltose (glucose + glucose)
To make a disaccharide, a chemical reaction known as condensation links two monosaccharides together. A hydroxyl (OH) group from one monosaccharide and a hydrogen atom from the other combine to create a molecule of water. The two originally separatemonosaccharides link together with a single oxygen.
A carbon on one monosaccharide bonds to an oxygen on another, releasing a molecule of water
Hydrolysis is the opposite and splits apart a disaccharide through the addition of water and often under activity of an enzyme. Disaccharide bond breaks by adding a hydrogen and hydroxyl group.
The disaccharide bond breaks, and a water molecule supplies the H and OH necessary for the existence of two complete monosaccharides
Complex Carbohydrates
Oligosaccharides (3-10) + polysaccharides (many)
Larger in size especially the polysaccharides, which may be composed of several hundred thousand joined glucose molecules
Breakdown of these saccharides into monosaccharides take longer – therefore absorbed into the bloodstream at a slower rate
Oligosaccharides include
Galacto oligosaccharides: Raffinose and Stachyose
Fructo oligosaccharides: ketose and nystose
Polysaccharides Include
Soluble and InsolubleFibre
Contains 3-10 singular units
‘oligo’ means ‘just a few’
Not relatively abundant in the diet compared to other carbohydrates
less than singular sugar units
‘poly’ means ‘many’
Most complex CHO due to their length and most abundant in CHO found in food
Your body mainly uses the store of glycogen in your liver to help regulate your blood glucose (sugar) levels.
Your body normally carefully regulates your blood glucose primarily with the hormones, glucagon and insulin. When your blood glucose levels fall toolow (hypoglycaemia), your pancreas releases more glucagon.
Liver Glycogen
Use as a short term energy source for the organism by providing a means to store and release glucose in response to bloodglucoselevels; liver cells do not use this glucose for their own energy needs
Muscle Glycogen
Provides a readily available source of glucose during exercise to support anaerobic and aerobic energy conversion pathways within muscle cells; muscle cells lack the enzyme glucose 6 phosphate and therefore cannot release glucose into the blood
Fruit, fruit juices, sweet wines and honey
Cane sugar, sugar beets
Honey, sweets, syrups, foods with added glucose such as soft drinks, chocolate, desserts
Milk, seaweed
Some cereals and sweets, when foods high in starch undergo processing such as cooking the starch can end up being broken down into maltose
Found naturally in onion group
Can be added to foods such as cereals and yoghurts as inulin
Found naturally in the dairy group (milk, cheese) making it the only carbohydrate that doesn’t come from plants.
Found naturally in foods such as oats, rice, legumes, corn and root vegetables. It is used as a primary ingredient in cereals, breads and pasta.
Soluble Fibre
Found naturally in the pith (flesh of vegetables), oats, legumes and soy products. Can be added to many fibre-enriched/ fortified foods, such as bread.
Insoluble fibre
Found naturally in foods such as bran, nuts, seeds, the skin of fruits and vegetables. Can be added to many fibre enriched/ fortified foods such as bread.
Source of Energy
The primary function of simple carbohydrates and starch is to provide energy (16.7kJ/g)
Simple carbohydrates and starch are broken down and converted into glucose after consumption.
Once glucose is absorbed into the bloodstream, it is transported to cells and broken down further to create energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through a process of cellular respiration.
The brain can only use glucose (~120g/day) to produce ATP to provide energy – glucose is the body’s preferred glucose
Simple Carbohydrates
Both monosaccharides and disaccharides (need one bond broken down) can enter the blood stream quickly and are associated with a rapid rise in blood glucose levels and therefore a rapid release of energy
Foods or beverages consumed that produce this blood glucose response are known to have a high glycaemic index
Complex Carbohydrates
Starch on the other hand is a larger molecule made of a hundred glucose units bonded together
Takes longer to break down into glucose and therefore longer to be absorbed in the blood stream
This results in a lower and more gradual elevation in blood glucose levels and therefore sustained energy.
Low glycaemic index (low GI)
A Component of the Cell Membrane
Blood glucose can also be used for a structural role, as part of the cell membrane
Glucose molecules bond together and form short term oligosaccharides on the exterior of the cell membrane
The role of oligosaccharides is cell recognition which is when the body recognises its own cells in contrast to those that are foreign such as bacteria and viruses.
Oligosaccharides are 3-10 glucose molecules joined together
Carbohydrates that cannot be broken down into glucose and absorbed into the blood stream