Is an arrangement of parts and interconnections come together for a purpose
Health System
Combinations of resources, organization, financing, and management that culminate in the delivery of health services to the population (Roemer, 1991)
Health System
All the organizations and resources that are devoted to producing health actions (WHO, 2000)
Improving the health of populations
Strive for equity in health
Improving the responsiveness of the health system to the population it serves
Quality, accessible and cost effective health services
Fairness in Financial Contribution
Families are protected from financial catastrophe from health care expenditure
Health Service Provision
Preventive, clinical, restorative, palliative care service to improve health
Health Service Inputs or Resource Generation
Management of resources to produce health intervention
Overall system oversight
Health Financing
Raising and pooling resources to pay for health services
Revenue Collection
Collected from the payments of health services (taxation/sin tax, out of pocket payments, payroll contribution)
Risk Pooling
Under this is Bismarck Model and Beveridge Model
Bismarck Model
Sickness fund is paid by employees and employers
Otto von Bismarck
Prussian chancellor and pioneer of Bismarck model
Beveridge Pooling
Health services is paid by the government through tax payments
William Beveridge
Social reformer who designed Britain's health/national health services
System Building Blocks
Service Delivery
Health Workforce
Medical Products, Vaccines, and Technologies
Leadership or Governance
Overall Goals/Outcomes
Improved Health (Level and Equity)
Social and Financial Risk Protection
Improved Efficiency
Service Delivery
Delivery of quality, accessible, and safe services
Health Workforce
Human Resource Management
Health Information System
Production, analysis, dissemination, and use of timely and reliable information
Medical Products, Vaccines, and Technologies
Ensure equitable access, assured quality and cost-effective medical products
Funds are adequate to protect people from financial burdens and promote accessibility of services
Leadership and Governance
Ensures strategic policies, oversight, accountability, and building partnerships
Health Reform Initiatives
Done to address issues in the Philippines Health System
1970: Primary Health Care for All
Developed a largely centralized government-funded and operated health care system
1979: Adoption of Primary Health Care
Promoted participatory management of the local health care system
1982: Reorganization of DOH
Integrated public health and hospital services
1986: Milk Code 1986
Prevention and nutrition to promote breastfeeding
1988: The Generics Act
Prescriptions are written using the generic name of the drug in an attempt to lower expenditure on drugs by promoting and purchasing non-branded medicines
1991: RA 7160 "Local Government Code"
Transfer of responsibility of health service provisions to the local government units
1995: National Health Insurance Act
Aims to provide all citizens a mechanism for financial protection with priority given to the poor
1996: Health Sector Reform Agenda
Major organizational restructuring of the DOH to improve the way health care is delivered, regulated, and financed
2005: FOURmula One (F1) for Health
Adoption of operational framework to undertake reforms with speed, precision, and effective coordination
2008: RA 9502 "Access to Cheaper and Quality Medicines Act"
Promotes and ensures access to affordable quality drugs and medicines for all
2010: AO 2010-0036 "Kalusugang Pangkalahatan"
Universal health coverage and access to quality health care for all Filipinos
2013: Sin Taxes for Health
Generating extra revenue for the Department of Health by discouraging harmful consumption of alcohol and tobacco
2019: Universal Health Care Law
Enrolling all Filipino citizens automatically in the National Health Insurance Program administered by PhilHealth. All Filipinos are guaranteed equitable access to quality and affordable health care services.
Local Government Code in 1991
Led to dual governance in health, with the DOH governing at the national level and the LGUs at the subnational level
DOH Functions
Develop national plans or guidelines on health
Licensing hospitals, laboratories, and other health facilities through HFSRB, and health products through FDA
Coordinates government, private sector, and development partner assistance on health and leverages funds for improved health performance