citizenship edexcel

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Cards (79)

  • European Union
    A group of 28 countries which work together on issues like democracy, trade & economy, environment etc. Now only 27 countries since the UK Brexited on 31-12-2020.
  • Refugee
    A person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. They have been permission to stay in their new country by the government there.
  • Economy
    The economy of a country is made up of all the organisations that provide goods and services in a country, plus all the individuals and organisations that buy them
  • Entrepreneur
    A person who sets up a business and takes on financial risks in the hope of making a profit
  • Diversity
    The range of different groups that make up a wider population, i.e. Tower Hamlets is diverse because of all the different types of people that live and work there
  • Integration
    Bringing together different groups of people in a society. Usually integration means helping immigrants to feel included and encouraging them to behave like the 'host' / 'native' people
  • Community
    A group of people who are in close contact and who share common interests and values
  • Minority
    A small part of a larger group of people. In the UK, Ethnic Minorities are people with different racial / cultural heritage than the majority "White British" people. Ethnic Minority people are still British by nationality
  • Majority
    The largest group of people in a whole group. In the UK the majority ethnic group is 'White British'.
  • Neighbourhood
    A local area within which people live as neighbours, sharing living space and interests
  • Tolerant (adj) or Tolerance (noun)

    Tolerant = someone who has tolerance (see below)
    Tolerance = being open-minded, being accepting of others different from yourself
  • discrimination
    Treating someone less favourably because of their colour, ethnic origins, age, gender or disability
  • harassment
    Repeatedly threatening, humiliating or pestering someone
  • respect
    Show consideration for someone's feelings, wishes or rights
  • United Nations
    An international organisation of all 192 countries in the world. It tries to encourage peace, cooperation and friendship between countries.
  • victimisation
    Specifically targeting someone and discriminating against someone unfairly
  • Community cohesion
    Creating a community where there is a sense of belonging for all communities and people's different backgrounds are valued. The community is harmonious as a result
  • democracy
    Government by the people, either directly or through elected representatives
  • Legal identity
    The legal identity registered with the government of your country to identify you for legal / government purposes. This is made up of a number of forms of identification, e.g.: legal name (birth certificate), NHS number, National Insurance number (to pay tax / claim benefits & state pension), nationality (passport) etc
  • Identity
    Who or what someone or something is
  • Identity card
    An identification card issued by a government to establish someone's legal identity - we do not have these in the UK.
  • Personal identity
    A person's social and cultural identity, all the factors that make them a unique person: gender, age, race, family heritage, friends, hobbies, interests, place someone lives
  • Multiple identity
    When a person feels they have more than one "personal" identity. For example, "I'm Muslim. I'm British-Turkish. I'm a Londoner".
  • Inclusive education
    Schooling that involves everyone, regardless of ethnicity, religion, sexuality, gender identity, disability or non-disability etc
  • Discrimination
    Treating someone less favourably because of their ethnicity / race, religion, gender, sexuality, disability etc.
  • Homophobia
    The idea that gay / bisexual / transgender people are not as good as others
  • Racism
    The idea that some people of different origins are not as good as others
  • Compensation
    Making amends for something; something given to the victim of an incident to make good on their loss
  • Hate Crime
    A crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically one involving violence.
  • Convention
    An agreement (often between governments), for example the European Convention on Human Rights (1950)
  • Declaration
    A document setting down aims and intentions, for example the UN Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
  • Human rights
    Things that people are morally (right / wrong) or legally allowed to do or have (entitled to)
  • United Nations
    An international organisation that tries to encourage peace, cooperation and friendship between countries
  • Magna Carta
    A charter (legal document) which the barons forced King John of England to sign in 1215, it was the first time people in England were given human rights in English law
  • constituency
    A local area which has an elected political representative
  • Councillor
    A member of a local council, elected by people in the local area
  • Election
    Selection of one or more people for an official position by voting
  • Member of Parliament (MP)

    A person who has been elected to represent a local constituency in the UK Parliament (e.g. Poplar & Limehouse)
  • Member of EU Parliament (MEP)

    A person who has been elected to represent a region of the UK (e.g. London, or the North West of England) in the European Parliament
  • Political rights
    Rights to take part in elections and other democratic activities, like campaigning