Strange Situation

Cards (15)

  • Procedure
    1. Controlled lab observation
    2. In unfamiliar playroom
    3. 2 way mirror observe infants (9-18 months)
    4. Measured proximity seeking
    5. Exploration
    6. Secure base behaviour
    7. Stranger anxiety
    8. Separation anxiety
    9. Response to reunion
  • Procedure episodes

    • Child encouraged to explore (2)
    • Stranger tries to interact (3)
    • Caregiver leaves, stranger together (+4)
    • Caregiver returns, stranger leaves
    • Caregiver leaves (6)
    • Stranger returns (7)
    • Stranger leaves, caregiver returns
  • Majority of children have secure attachment (Type B) - 60%-75%
  • Secure (Type B) children

    • Explored happily, regularly returned to base
    • Moderate separation and stranger anxiety
    • Required comfort at reunion
  • Insecure-resistant (Type C) children 3% of children 

    • Sought greater proximity, explored less
    • High levels of stranger anxiety and separation
    • Resisted comfort at reunion, kept crying
  • Insecure-avoidant (Type A) children
    • Explored freely, no proximity or secure base
    • Showed little/no distress when left/returned
    • Minimal stranger anxiety, no comfort required
  • Insecure-avoidant (Type A) children make up 20-25% of British children
  • Main+ Solomm- Questions Reliablility 

    • Found small hr. of infants showed no consistent pattern
    • Argued a 4th type of attachment? insecure -disorganised.
  • Bick et al- High inter-rater reliability 

    • Looked at this in a team of train S.S. observes
    • Found 94% agreement. Behavioral catagories were operationalised and done under controlled condition, making it easy to replicate
  • Behavioural catagories
    Operationalized + controlled conditions
  • Not measuring & attachment, Kegan suggest the responce to unfamilier sit. is measuring temprament. This lowers validity and makes attachment types invalid
  • Lowers validity + makes attachment type in valid
  • Low ecological validity
    • Pts behaviour change: Caregiver: Demand charactetristic Infant: Unfamilier sit.
    • Not reflecting uteal every day behavicur so can it be generalized. However it is argued that children will be in unfamiliar situations so does have ecological validity.
  • Argued that children will be in unfamilier sit. "cute" ults as
  • Oversimplified
    • Infants within each Catagory differs from eachother interms ot Severity of behaviour
    • The oversimplistic Catagories implies all children in one= same + likely to be nebopuuce correct