Majority of children have secure attachment (Type B) - 60%-75%
Secure (Type B) children
Explored happily, regularly returned to base
Moderate separation and stranger anxiety
Required comfort at reunion
Insecure-resistant (Type C) children 3% of children
Sought greater proximity, explored less
High levels of stranger anxiety and separation
Resisted comfort at reunion, kept crying
Insecure-avoidant (Type A) children
Explored freely, no proximity or secure base
Showed little/no distress when left/returned
Minimal stranger anxiety, no comfort required
Insecure-avoidant (Type A) children make up 20-25% of British children
Main+ Solomm- Questions Reliablility
Found small hr. of infants showed no consistent pattern
Argued a 4th type of attachment? insecure -disorganised.
Bick et al- High inter-rater reliability
Looked at this in a team of train S.S. observes
Found 94% agreement. Behavioral catagories were operationalised and done under controlled condition, making it easy to replicate
Behavioural catagories
Operationalized + controlled conditions
Not measuring & attachment, Kegan suggest the responce to unfamilier sit. is measuring temprament. This lowers validity and makes attachment types invalid
Lowers validity + makes attachment type in valid
Low ecological validity
Pts behaviour change: Caregiver: Demand charactetristic Infant: Unfamilier sit.
Not reflecting uteal every day behavicur so can it be generalized. However it is argued that children will be in unfamiliar situations so does have ecological validity.
Argued that children will be in unfamilier sit. "cute" ults as
Infants within each Catagory differs from eachother interms ot Severity of behaviour
The oversimplistic Catagories implies all children in one= same + likely to be nebopuuce correct