Cards (28)

  • the market refers to all buyers and sellers that trade a particular type of product or service in a specific place
  • Market research is essential in helping businesses to identify products/services they can develop in response to the needs and wants that their customers have
  • mass markets are aimed at a large group of buyers as the products sold in them have a wide appeal to customers
  • niche markets are small groups of people who share similar characteristics, such as age, gender, income levels etc.
  • mass markets-
    • Products are less unique as they are aimed at broad market segments
    • Low prices lead to greater affordability and higher sales volumes
    • Primark is an example
  • niche markets- High average costs due to small scale production
    • High prices make products less affordable and lead to lower sales volumes
    • High prices can allow businesses to earn higher profit margin
    • louis vutoon is a example
  • niche markets can be risky as they sell to a small amount of customers meaning that fi there needs and preferences change than they will lose sales
  • mass markets focuses on strong branding as they have loads of competitors in the market
  • market size is the total value of sales in a certain time period measured by the total consumers int he market
  • market share of a business is the proportion of the total market that the business holds
  • market share= sales of a business/ total sales in market x100
  • branding creates a clear and obvious logo, name or statement that customers can instantly recognise this helps differentiate a business product from its competitors
  • branding is important as it helps to encourage customers to buy products therefore leading to affecting markewt share
    • dynamic market is a market that is subject to rapid or continuous changes mainly due to customer preferences changing
  • markets can change due to customers preferences changing, innovation, competitors, the ways people want to shop and also changes in legislation
  • online retailing is selling products via the internet
  • benefits of online retailing is
    • Enables longer trading hours as the business is open 24/7
    • Consumers can receive offers that they are more likely to benefit from
    • Businesses can collect data by tracking consumer behaviour which helps with primary market research
    • Cheaper to run as it lowers fixed and variable costs compared to bricks and mortar retailers
  • drawbacks of onlien retailing is
    • There may be high costs for website development, maintenance, and promotion
    • Consumers may find it difficult to get the desired level of customer service
    • Online purchasing opens consumers up to credit card fraud
  • Product innovation involves the adaptation or improvement of existing products
  • Process innovation involves the adaptation or improvement of existing processes
  • Market growth is the measurement of the change in the entire market
    • Direct competition occurs when the business is targeting customers with the same product as a competitor
  • Indirect competition occurs when firms sell different products but compete with each other for the customers disposable income e.g. cinema
  • Competition results in many benefits for the customer, such as
    • Businesses offer lower prices
    • Businesses produce better quality products
    • Businesses provide better customer service
  • Risk is the potential threat to business success
  • Uncertainty is when outcomes are difficult to predict
  • risks-
    • Technical failures due to the break down of essential equipment
    • currency fluctuations
  • uncertainties-
    • What will happen to interest rates?
    • Will the economy go into recession?