Kohlberg claims there are levels of moralreasoning and judgement is based on this reasoning
Kohlberg claims people pass through the stages of moralreasoning through life but not all reach the highestlevels of reasoning
Kohlberg developed the stages of moralreasoning by giving different aged childrenmoraldilemmas to see to see how their reasoningchanged over time
Kohlberg claims criminals have a lowerlevel of moralreasoning as they seek rewards without punishment
Kohlberg's 3 stages of moral reasoning; pre-conventional, conventional, post-conventional
Kohlbergs Pre-conventional reasoning; punishmentorientation (obedience to avoid punishment) instrumentalorientation of personalgain (rules are obeyed for personalgain)
Kohlbergs conventional reasoning; goodboy/girlorientation (rules are obeyed for approval) maintenance of social order (obedience to as it is the norm)
Kohlberg's post-convention reasoning; morality of contact and individualrights (impartialrules are obeyed, unfair ones are challenged) morality of conscience (establishesownrules in accordance to ethicalprincipals)
Cognitivedistortions are irrational patterns of thought that cause inaccurateperception of reality
2 key cognitive distortions; hostileattributionbias and minimalisation
hostileattribution bias is a cognitivedistortion that means offenders are more likely to misreadsocialcues such as inaccuratelyperceiving someone as aggressive causing them to act the same way
Minimalisation is a cognitivedistortion that causes offenders to downplay their offence to excuse it and reduce negativefeelings surrounding it
Strength; cognitiveexplanations are applicable to the realworld to rehabilitateoffenders as CBT aims to tackle cognitivedistortions
Strength; Palmer and Hollin (1998) compared moralreasoning in 332 non-offenders and 126 offenders using the socio-moralreflectionmeasureshort form containing 11moraldilemmas and found offenders had less mature moralreasoning
Weakness; Kohlberg developed the levels of moralreasoning using only boys suggesting alphabias as it may not be applicable to girls; it also has ethicalissues as children cannot fully consent to studies
Weakness; Howitt and Sheldon (2007) gathered questionnaire responses from sexoffenders and non-contact offenders and found non-contact offenders had more cognitivedistortions showing it may be difficult to generalise as it applies differently to differentoffenders
Weakness; Thornton and Reid (1982) found that offenders who committed crime for financialgain showed more pre-conventional reasoning than those who committed impulsecrimes showing it only applied to certain types of crimes