Left side of the heart goes to the rest of the body
Right side of the heart goes to the lungs
The heart is a double circulatory system:
Deoxygented blood flows into the right atrium and into the right ventricle which is pumped into the lungs to undego gaseous exchange
Oxygenated blood flows into left atrium and them into the left ventricle which pumps oxygenated blood around the body
Process of the blood going around the body:
Blood flows into right artium through the vena cava, and left atrium through the pulmonary vein
Atria contracts forcing the blood into the ventricles
Ventricles contract, pushing blood in the right ventricle into pulmonary artery to be taken to lungs, while the left ventricle the blood goes to the aorta to be taken to the body
As thus happens valves close to make sure blood does not flow backwards
Heart - an organ that pumps blood around the body in a double circulatory system