Cards (7)

  • Galen developed idea the idea of the 4 humours into the theory of 'opposites', basically the same as the theory of the 4 humours but treatments given to have an opposite effect to the humour.
  • Galen was one of the first scientists to specifically identify the causes of disease being spread by 'bad air' (miasmas).
  • Galen was the first docter to properly explain how the body worked (particularly how the brain controlled the body through nerves).
  • By the end of Galen's life (and people who worked for him), have produced over 350 different books detailing medical knowledge, ideas about disease and treatment and training manuals for docters. These books were the backbone of medicine and medical training for nearly 1500 years.
  • Galen was the first physian to use pulse as a sighn of illness.
  • Galen held a public demonstartion by placing a live pig on a table, then making a small cut to the spine just above the back legs, and the legs stopped moving. He then made another cut just above the forelegs, they also stopped moving. He finally made a cut at the base of the skull and the pig died. This demonstration proved that the body was controlled the body, not the heart.
  • Galen's knowledge of anatomy was limited as he only used animals like pigs and monkeys to study anatomy as human disections were banned.