Cards (11)

  • What are the two situational explanations for obedience?
    agentic state
    legitimacy of authority
  • What is agentic state?
    mental state where we feel no personal responsibility for our behaviour as we are acting for an authority figure, we are freed from consequence
  • what is autonomous state?
    person who behaves according to their own principles and feels responsible for their actions
  • what is agentic shift?
    the shift from autonomous state to agentic state
  • what are binding factors?
    aspects of situation that allow the person to ignore/minimise the damaging effects of their behaviour and reducing the moral strain
  • What is legitimacy of authority?
    we are more likely to obey people who we perceive to have authority over us, justified by the individuals position of power
  • why is the power that authorities wield legitimate?
    it is agreed by society, most accept that authority figures have power over others
  • strength of agentic state
    research support, most of Milgrams participants asked who was responsible for any harm, the experimenter said “I am responsible“ and participants carried on without objecting
  • limitation of agentic state
    agentic shift doesn’t explain many research findings. Rank and Jacobson found that most nurses disobeyed a doctors order to give an excessive drug dose, the nurses remained autonomous and didn’t shift into an agentic state
  • strength of legitimacy of authority
    can explain cultural differences - research shows different countries differ in obedience to authority. for example 16% of Australian women obeyed in a study whereas 85% of German participants obeyed
  • limitation of legitimacy of authority
    can’t explain all (dis)obedience. people may disobey even in a hierarchal structure. Rank and Jacobsons nurses were disobedient to the Dr