It is the hydrostatic pressure exerted by the blood to the walls of the blood vessels.
Auscultatory method
The cuff pressure is inflated quickly to a pressure about 30 mm Hg higher than the systolic pressure determined by the Palpatory method. Then the air is let out of the cuff slowly.
At some point the person listening with the stethoscope will begin to hear sounds with each heartbeat. This point marks the systolic pressure.
The sounds are called Korotkoff sounds.
Auscultatory method
millimetres Mercury (mmHg)
Unit for Blood Pressure
Systole vs Systolic BP
Systole = Ventricular Contraction
Systolic Blood Pressure =
highest pressure attained in arteries during systole
Diastole vs Diastolic BP
Diastole= Ventricular Relaxation
Diastolic Blood Pressure=
lowest arterial pressure during diastole
Normal Average of BP
basta yan
Blood Pressure Rangers
Advantages & Disadvantages of Auscultatory Method
ang arte ng gizmo
Advantages of using a Digital BP apparatus
portable and compact with very easy operating procedures
reduces to the barest minimum the chances of human error
easier to use than aneroid units
digital monitor has a gauge and stethoscope in one unit
has an error indicator
The blood pressure reading displays on a small screen
require little user knowledge and are thus suitable for use by laypersons in non-medical environments
BP in sitting and supine positions
Both males and females had higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure when sitting than when lying down.
Cardiac Output (CO)
Total blood flow
The volume of blood that circulates through systemic (or pulmonary) blood vessels each minute
ewan ko din
Blood volume
amount of blood circulating within an individual depends on their size and weight
Average human adult: approx. 5 liters of circulating blood
Women tend to have a lower blood volume than men.
A woman's blood volume increases by roughly 50% during pregnancy.
Normal volume of blood in an adult.
5 liters
Vascular Resistance
opposes blood flow, is caused by friction between the blood and blood vessel wall
Vascular resistance
edi write
Ranges for normal and abnormal blood pressure (BP) measurement
BP changes with exercise
BP changes with cold exposure
cold exposure caused comparable changes, a blood pressure rise and a reduction of forearm blood flow
Effect of beverages to BP
Since energy drinks coffee contain caffeine, people who do not normally drink much caffeine might have an exaggerated increase in blood pressure.
Systole and diastole determination in the auscultatory method
Factors affecting Blood Pressure
Factors affecting Blood Pressure
Factors affecting Blood Pressure
Factors affecting Blood Pressure
Blood pressure in Giraffe
280/180 mm Hg
With a neck that can be longer than six feet, giraffes seemingly should struggle with the consequences of high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, because of their blood's substantial uphill climb from the heart to the brain.