explaining OCD

    Cards (15)

    • what are the two explanations of OCD?
    • genetic explanations of OCD
      -physical illnesses often have a genetic cause so mental illnesses such as OCD may too
    • genetic explanations of OCD - family studies
      -Nestadt = 1st degree relatives had 11.7% probability compared to only 2.7% in a control group (presumably due to shared genes)
      -Miguel = identical twins concordance rate was 53-87%
    • genetic explanations of OCD - candidate genes
      =specific genes that influence vulnerability to OCD by influencing neural activity and brain structure
    • example of a candidate gene?
      the COMT gene regulates dopamine and one variation of it causes higher levels of dopamine to be released which is more common in people with OCD.
    • are dopamine and serotonin hormones or neurotransmitters?
    • genetic explanations - supporting evidence for family studies
      -concordance rates are 53-87% which suggests the genetic component is strong but it isnt 100% = other factors
      -diathesis-stress = genes can cause genetic vulnerability but life experiences affect whether OCD actually develops or not
    • genetic explanations - supporting evidence for candidate genes
      -Taylor = found as many as 230 candidate genes as OCD is polygenic (caused by multiple genes)
      :( the number of candidate genes reduces usefulness of the genetic explanation - if each gene only has a small influence then its useless in predicting who will be vulnerable to/get OCD
    • genetic (+ neural) explanations of OCD - environmental factors
      -could be learning through observation or reinforcement
      e.g. a child observes a parent compulsively washing and the parent encourages the child to do the same
    • neural explanations of OCD 

      -focuses on the role of key neurotransmitters and brain structures in causing OCD
    • neural explanations of OCD- neurotransmitters
      • serotonin = low levels create repetitive thoughts + obsessions
      • dopamine = high levels can cause compulsive behaviours
    • neural explanations of OCD - brain structure
      -a number of brain structures involved in OCD form the worry circuit, normally functions to detect threat, make decisions and get the system back to normal afterwards
    • worry curcuit
      -if functioning abnormally:
      • orbifrontal cortex is more active = higher worry signals
      • caudate nucleus fails to suppress these signals and looses control over inner impulses = more frequent + intense obsessions and compulsions are more likely to be acted upon
    • neural explanations - supporting evidence for neurotransmitters
      -Pigott = drugs that increase serotonin, decrease OCD symptoms
      -Szechtman = drugs that increase dopamine activity produce repetitive movements in animals
      :( generalizability - animals cant reflect the complexity of OCD
      :) drug treatments - correct the imbalance of serotonin + dopamine
    • neural explanations - supporting evidence for brain activity
      -MRI scans show that patients with OCD had higher activity levels in the orbifrontal cortex and the caudate nucleus
      :( doesnt demonstrate cause and effect = could be symptoms rather than causes of OCD