Climate change Movie

Cards (14)

  • The first photo of earth was by Apollo 8
  • The most vulnerable part of earth is the atmosphere
  • Infrared radiation being trapped stabilizes earths temperature
  • 40% of people depend on glacial melting for their drinking water
  • Ice cores are used to measure Co2
  • The hottest years have been the last couple years
  • Lake chad almost completely dried up
  • 90% of solar radiation that hits ice is reflected back into space
  • Currents move energy from the equator to the north and south
  • If Antartica or Greenland melted the sea level would rise 20ft
  • 32% of emissions are from forest fires
  • The US is the largest co2 emitter per capita, china by total sum
  • The US has the lowest standards for gas mileage
  • Australia and the US didn't sign the Kyoto protocol