Mrs Birling

Cards (16)

  • priestly uses mrs birling as a dramatic device to develop tension
  • She played a part in the death of eva smith
  • The girl was penniless and pregnant
  • Mrs birling thought she was lying, as no girl of that sort would refuse money
  • Priestly establishes Mrs Birling
    • Bossy and controlling at the start of the play in order to set up the inevitable conflict with inspector Goole when he arrives
  • Mrs Birling complains his comments are Trifle impertinent
  • Mrs Birling describes his questioning as peculiar and offensive
  • rich people in charities choose to help the 'deserving poor' and the 'underswing poor' and Mrs birling decided that Eva was undeserving
  • Of all characters, Mrs Birling & is the most resistant to confess her connection to eva smith
  • Mrs Birling

    • Her hard, uncaring nature leads to downfall as the inspector forces her to unknowingly condemn her own son
    • She's clearly used to having her own way and cannot understand why she is unable to order the police inspector around
  • Priestly uses Mrs Birling's discomfort at having a Police inspector refuse to obey her as an example of the wealthy middle and over classes complacency when it comes to the law
  • Mrs Birling's character

    • Based on controlling and reprimanding the actions of others
  • Mrs Birling is hypocritical - 'if he'd be entirely responsible' but later says 'I didn't know it was you' when talking about the father of eva's child but then finding it's eric's.
  • Both Mr and Mrs Birling name drop people they know in the police expecting the inspector to give them an easier time (when people use their connections to avoid prosecution it's called corruption)
  • Priestly immediately presents Mrs Birling as a controlling and demanding character
  • Mrs and Mr Birling clearly see themselves above the law and struggle when faced with someone who is moral and insisting justice is served