6.7 The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus

Cards (6)

  • Where is The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus in the Bible?
  • What does the Parable teach about loving others and showing kindness?
    Being kind will get you to heaven, doing the opposite will get you to Hell
  • What does the Parable teach about wealth?
    It can make you forget about other's needs - "feasted sumptuously every day"
  • What does the Parable teach about hell?
    It is a place of torment - "In agony in these flames"
  • What does the Parable teach about the conscious of people in Hell?
    The rich man knows that Abraham and Lazarus are in Heaven, teaching us that they know they're happiness, increasing their suffering
  • What does the Parable teach about moving between Heaven & Hell?
    It is not possible as there is a "Great Chasm"