Isotopes and nuclear radiation

Cards (12)

  • Isotopes
    Different forms of the same element
  • Isotopes
    • Have the same number of protons (same atomic number)
    • Have a different number of neutrons (different mass number)
  • Elements have different isotopes, but there are usually only one or two stable ones</b>
  • Radioactive decay
    Unstable isotopes try to become more stable by balancing the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus or getting rid of excess energy
  • Radioactive substances
    Emit alpha, beta and gamma radiation
  • Radioactive substances
    Can also release neutrons when they decay
  • Ionising radiation

    Radiation that knocks electrons off atoms, creating positive ions
  • Ionising power

    How easily a radiation source can ionise atoms
  • Alpha particles

    • Helium nuclei
    • Strongly ionising
    • Can only travel a few cm in air
    • Absorbed by a sheet of paper
  • Beta particles

    • High-speed electrons
    • Moderately ionising
    • Can travel a few metres in air
    • Absorbed by a sheet of aluminium
  • For every beta particle emitted, a neutron in the nucleus has turned into a proton
  • Gamma rays

    • Electromagnetic radiation
    • Weakly ionising
    • Penetrate far into materials
    • Absorbed by thick sheets of lead or metres of concrete