Brit milah and marriage

Cards (23)

  • Brit Milah
    Jewish ceremony of circumcision of an infant boy
  • Brit Milah
    • Dates back to the covenant made between God and Abraham
    • Reminds Jews of this important sign of the covenant
  • Brit Milah ritual
    1. Carried out by a mohel
    2. A blessing is said before the circumcision
    3. The boy is given his Hebrew name
    4. The kiddush is said
    5. Celebratory meal
  • Betrothal (kiddushin)

    The first stage of the Jewish wedding process, usually a 12-month engagement period before a wedding
  • Orthodox Judaism wedding
    • Couple do not see each other for a week before the wedding ceremony
  • Jewish wedding ceremony
    1. Couple fast before the wedding
    2. Ceremony happens underneath the chuppah
    3. Groom gives bride a ring
    4. Seven wedding blessings recited
    5. Rabbi blesses the couple
    6. Bride and groom sign the ketubah
    7. Bride and groom share a glass of wine
    8. Groom breaks a glass
    9. Couple have a short time together in a private room
    10. Wedding reception
  • Jewish marriage is not just a legal partnership, but a union between two people that is blessed by God
  • Jewish people cannot get married on a Saturday because this is the Shabbat, the Jewish day of rest
  • Kriah
    Tearing of clothing as a symbol of loss and grief upon hearing of the death of a loved one
  • Preparing the body for burial
    1. Washing the body
    2. Not leaving the body alone before the funeral
  • Burial should happen as soon as possible after death in Jewish tradition
  • Coffin
    • Should be simple to show equality
  • Funeral services
    1. Prayers
    2. Psalms
    3. Eulogy
  • Families must buy a gravestone so that the dead are not forgotten
  • Onan
    A person who has experienced the death of a close relative (a parent, sibling, spouse or child) who has not yet been buried
  • Kaddish
    Mourner's prayer in Judaism, traditionally recited by the oldest son on the occasion of a parent's death
  • Many Jews feel that the act of saying the Kaddish prayer helps people to focus on God at a time when they may feel far from him
  • Stages of mourning
    1. Shiva
    2. Avelut
    3. Yahrzeit
  • Shiva
    The first seven days of mourning after the burial. Some Jews do not leave the house during this period.
  • Avelut
    The year-long mourning period after losing a parent, during which the mourner will not attend parties and will say the Kaddish every day
  • Yahrzeit
    The anniversary of a death. Many Jews light a candle in remembrance and say the Kaddish on this day.
  • Ensuring a proper Jewish burial is regarded as an honour and a sacred duty
  • Chevra Kaddisha
    The voluntary group that performs the final rites for Jewish people, working with funeral directors, cemeteries, hospitals and families