RE- death

Cards (14)

  • Kriah
    Tearing of clothing as a symbol of loss and grief upon hearing of the death of a loved one
  • Preparing the body for burial
    1. Washing the body
    2. Not leaving the body alone before the funeral
  • Burial should happen as soon as possible after death in Jewish tradition</b>
  • Coffin
    • Should be simple to show equality
  • Funeral services
    1. Prayers
    2. Psalms
    3. Eulogy
  • Families must buy a gravestone so that the dead are not forgotten
  • Onan
    A person who has experienced the death of a close relative (a parent, sibling, spouse or child) who has not yet been buried
  • Kaddish
    Mourner's prayer in Judaism, traditionally recited by the oldest son on the occasion of a parent's death
  • Many Jews feel that the act of saying the Kaddish prayer helps people to focus on God at a time when they may feel far from him
  • Stages of mourning
    1. Shiva
    2. Avelut
    3. Yahrzeit
  • Shiva
    The first seven days of mourning after the burial
  • Avelut
    The year-long mourning period after losing a parent, during which the mourner does not attend parties and says the Kaddish daily
  • Yahrzeit
    The anniversary of a death, marked by lighting a candle, saying the Kaddish, fasting, and making charitable donations
  • Chevra Kaddisha
    • The voluntary group that performs the final rites for Jewish people, working with funeral directors, cemeteries, hospitals and families to ensure the death and burial fits with Jewish teachings and customs