Bat + Bar mitzvah

Cards (15)

  • Bar Mitzvah
    Literally: son of the commandment. A Jewish ceremony for a 13-year-old boy, which marks his becoming a full adult member of the Jewish community
  • Bat Mitzvah
    Literally: daughter of the commandment. Liberal Jewish coming of age ceremony for 12 year-old girls
  • Bar and Bat Mitzvah ceremonies are significant because they are seen as the time of coming of age, when a child becomes an adult
  • After these ceremonies Jewish boys or girls become responsible for living according to Jewish Law
  • At this point, each young person has to accept the law and its obligations, participate fully in services at the synagogue and set a good example for others
  • After the Bar Mitzvah ceremony, a Jewish boy can be counted as part of a minyan
  • In Reform synagogues girls who are Bat Mitzvah can also be counted
  • Bar Mitzvah ceremony
    1. Boy reads from the Torah
    2. Boy puts on the tefillin for the first time
    3. Rabbi gives a talk
    4. Boy may give a talk
    5. Boy's father recites a prayer of thanks
    6. Boy receives gifts
    7. Celebratory meal
  • Bat Mitzvah ceremony
    1. Girl may read from the Torah or read a prayer from the Siddur
    2. Follows a similar pattern to the Bar Mitzvah
  • Traditionally, within Judaism, males and females are not thought to have the same responsibilities
  • As a result, in some Jewish communities, some rules (such as the requirement to read from the Torah) are less strict for girls than they are for boys
  • Bat Chayil
    A Jewish initiation ceremony for girls in Orthodox communities that takes place at the age of 12
  • Bat Chayil marks a girl's passage into an adult role in her religious community
  • After the Bat Chayil ceremony, she is expected to observe Jewish religious rules for women, and to spend time learning how to keep a good home
  • Around 13 years old