cognitive framework related to gender are developed from experience and guide us to understand our own gender and gender-appropriate behaviour
Martin & Halverson 1981
same as Kohlberg but gender-relevant info is acquired before stage 3 and affects later behaviour
difference between Kohlberg's theory
Kohlberg = interest in gender role starts at stage 3 (gender constancy)
Schema Theory = interest in gender role starts before stage 3
in-group schema
rules on own sex - template for behaviour in groups we identify with; builds gender identity
out-group schema
rules on opposite sex - groups we don't identify with therefore irrelevant and less likely retained
example of in-group schema
“I'm a girl and wear skirt so skirt-wearers are girls”
example of out-group schema
“I’m a girl, play football and rugby”
example of parentaltreatment
fathers rougher with sons
example of parents - clothes
sons in blue, daughters in pink
example of parents - reinforcement
sons punished for dancing around like a fairy/'girl'
examples of parents - toys
daughters given dolls
supporting evidence
Martin & Halverson 1983 = kids under 6 y/o are more likely to remember photos of gender-consistent behaviour, they changed the sex of the person carrying out the gender-inconsistent behaviour too - memory can be distorted if it doesn't fit with existing gender schema
support - complements Kohlberg's theory
Stangor & Ruble 1989 = gender schema and constancy describe 2 different processes. Gender schema is how organisation of information is remembered whereas gender constancy is linked to motivation and eagerness of engaging in gender-appropriate behaviour
limitation - overemphasis on individual
exaggerates the importance of cognitive and schematic factor but ignores social influences such as parental influence and the roles of rewards and punishments - punishments decrease likelihood of frequent behaviour and rewards increase likelihood therefore experience forms a gender schema that can guide their understanding of gender-consistent and inconsistent behaviour