gender development occurs at phallic stage of psychosexual development
children are bisexual
focus of pleasure in genitals
Oedipus and Electra Complexes are crucial for forming gender identity
what does Freud mean by 'bisexual'
neither masculine or feminine
Oedipus Complex
phallic stage
boys' incestuous feelings towards mom
hatred of father until castration anxiety
resolution = give up love and identifies with father (aggressor)
Electra Complex
penis envy
double-resentment of mom
Jung 1913 = girls substitute penis envy with desire for children therefore identify with mom
why girls double-resent mom?
mom as rival for dad's love
blame mom for lack of penis = castrated by mom
identify with and adopt values of same-sex parent to resolve complexes
children take on gender identity of same-sex parent
Little Hans
illustration of Oedipus complex - 5 year old boy feared being bitten by horse, stemming from seeing a horse die
Freud's interpretation of Hans' dream
fear of being bitten represented castration anxiety - transferred fear of father onto horses via displacement (defence mechanism)
Defence mechanisms
Limitation - inadequate account of female development
Karen Horney = womb envy (male jealous of women being able to sustain life) and 'penis envy' are cultural concepts rather than innate - penis envy reflects Victorianpatriarchal society because it suggests it was girls' innate desire to ‘aspire’ towards men due to their penises therefore androcentric assumption.
Beta bias - Freud only studied boys, therefore assumed it applied to girls too until Jung 1913 et al.
Limitation - contrary research to Oedipus
Blakemore & Hill2008 et al. = sons of liberal fathers are more secure in masculine identity - Freud implied sons of harsh fathers develop more robust gender identity because higher levels of anxiety should produce stronger identification therefore low external validity
Limitation - only focuses on nuclear families
Golombok1983 = single-parent household kids develop normal gender identities; Green 1978 = 36/37 kids raised by gay/trans parents had typical gender identity - being raised in non-nuclear families doesn't have adverse effect on gender development therefore Freud's findings lack population validity
Limitation - lacks scientific rigour
Popper1959 = Freud's theory is pseudoscientific - psychodynamic isn't genuine science because it cannot be falsified which is due to his methodology (case studies - letter) unconscious nature of the the experience in gender development (the Complexes, defence mechanisms) therefore unreliable
Freud placed great emphasis on the Oedipus and Electra Complexes as mechanisms of resolving the psychosexual conflict present in the phallic stage and thus in the development of gender identity.
According to Freud, the resolution of these complexes plays a crucial role in shaping an individual’s gender identity by influencing their attitudes towards themselves and others based on their sex.