Free will vs determinism - evaluation
For free will: On an everyday basis, we have free will as we can do actions despite what people may think - Face validity
Those with an internal LOC tend to be happier
Roberts - The more fatalistic someone is, the more likely they are to be depressed.
Against free will: There is neurological evidence against the idea of free will. Chun Siong Soon - Brain activity demonstrated that determines that outcome may predate our knowledge. Libet et al - found that the motor regions of the brain become active before a person registers conscious awareness of a decision
For determinism: Consistent with the aims of science, helping psychology be seen as scientific - Allows for causal explanations which are objective to be identified which has its real life application in drug treatments
Against determinism: Hard determinism goes against the legal system as legal system suggests individuals choice has allowed for the crime to be committed (mens rea). Hard determinism allows for offenders to not be held morally accountable. Lacks falsifiability.