Need for water management

Cards (8)

  • Climate: Low annual rainfall in lower basin states (Arizona, Nevada, California and New Mexico) so RBM ensures water supplies are stored and shared fairly
  • Climate: The upper basin states (Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado) also need water security from RBM as the rainfall and snowmelt are variable therefore water supply is unreliable
  • Climate: Temperatures often reach over 40 degrees celsius so water evaporates quickly
  • Domestic water supplies: Growing cities (e.g. Phoenix and Las Vegas) in the river basin need water for swimming pool, flushing toilets and drinking water. Increase in population leads to an increase of water demand from these desert cities
  • Power supply: These cities also need power for industrial/domestic use so hydro electric power is cheap and clean. This also helps to manage the river flow via dams
  • Food demands: Increase in population in areas around the river increases food demand. This area needs ten times more irrigation water than the east coast of USA. Some crops can only grow when there is rainfall (e.g. rice) so irrigation is required
  • Food control: Before RBM (dams) the river used to flood which causes damage to the land and crops in surrounding areas. RBM allows development to continue without being destroyed. Flooding can also cause injury and death
  • Political tensions: The river flows through 7 states and two countries and each state believes it is entitles to most of the water which causes conflict. The river needs to be controlled so they have reliable water supply that can be divided