Government Policies, white flight to the suburbs and the black American Great Migration northwards contributed to big changes in American cities such as Detroit and Chicago
Increasing black people lived together in ghettos- personal choice
Whites contributed to the growth of large, urban ghettos
Used restrictive covenants to exclude black Americans from white neighbourhoods- even though the Supreme Court declared these covenants legally unenforceable-1948
Whites contributed to the growth of large, urban ghettos
Lending institutions, developers & city officials made it difficult for black Americans to buy decent housing- as a result black tenants paid high rents for poor accommodation in overcrowded ghettos
Whites contributed to the growth of large, urban ghettos
Whites staged 'housing riots'- 1951- Cicero, Chicago- where several thousand working-class whites used looting & burning to drive out the sole black family
Whites contributed to the growth of large, urban ghettos

North, Midwest & West whites who could afford it fled the nearby overcrowded black ghettos:
Whites fled Oakland, California for suburbs such as Hayward- once in the suburbs- unwilling to pay increased taxes to assist inner-city areas
When black pressure for desegregation grew- 1955-63- Southern whites fled to the suburbs- Atlanta, Georgia was experiencing large scale white-flight by the mid-1960's
Whites contributed to the growth of large, urban ghettos
The polices of the Federal Government promoted residential segregation
Federal Government & Ghettos
GOV policies led to a change in racial composition of cities
FHA distributed billions of dollar of low-cost mortgages from the late 1940's- openly excluded applicants considered 'risks' because if their income or because they were likely to elicit a hostile reaction from the white majority
These 'risks' were what the FHA described as 'un-harmonious racial or nationality groups'- mostly black Americans & Jews
Here,residential segregation was effectively the policy of the US GOV
Federal Government & Ghettos
Federally constructed highways enabled suburbanites to commute to city jobs
Federal Policies- responsibility for urban decline by allowing the more affluent to move out of the cities to the suburbs
Federal Government & Ghettos

Although Congress authorised the construction of 810,000 subsidised public housing units & the purchase if slum are redevelopment- 1949- black Americans saw this as urban renewal as a way of removing black Americans from this area:
Chicago politicians, businessmen and developer manipulated local laws & used federal funds for urban renewal to tear down black neighbourhoods & replace them with commercial buildings or more expensive housing for whites
Federal Government & Ghettos

Federal GOV's attempt to alleviate the black housing shortage was ineffective:
only 325,203 federal housing units were built 1945-65 & many of them failed such as the Pruitt-Igoe project in St Louis