1955-63-Economic prosperity generated social & cultural change through development of consumer society
Consumerism & Domestic Technology
1960- Average family income gave Americans 30% more purchasing power than in 1950 & suburban Americans- rushed to buy cars, labour-saving devices & anything else that was considered essential/fashionable
Must-have Domestic Technology
Washing Machines
Made housewives live easier
The ability to buy what Americans wanted became an essential part of the 'American Dream'- mass media
Some hated the impact of the consumer culture on American Society:
Intellectuals-David Riesman feared consumerism & runaway materialism were becoming central to the nations identity & undermining 'traditional American values'- hard work & careful money management
Harvard Economist John Kenneth Galbraith's 'The Affluent Society 1958' argued Americans were grossly materialistic & cared little about the less fortunate.+
Preachers- Billy Graham (charismatic,conservative Evangelist) echoed concerns
The Teenage Consumer
1959- Life Magazine recorded that teenage consumers had suddenly become 'a major factor in the nations economy'
Teenage Consumer Impact
10 million record players +
1 million TV sets+
13 million cameras+
Spending $20 million on lipstick +
$25 million- deodorants +
$9 million on home perming their hair +
Over $1.5 billion on entertainment- 1958
Ate 20% more than adults & propped up the ice-cream industry- 145 million gallons of ice cream a year
Growing number of teenage marriages (1/3 of 18-19 year old girls were married)- young teenage wives were big spenders on major items- furniture