Paulo Coelho: 'One day you will wake up, and there won't be any more time to do the things you've always wanted. Do it now.'
Life is short
The average life expectancy in the world is only 72 years (around 3,700 weeks)
If you're a 30-year-old, you have already spent 1,500 weeks
We don't have as much time as we think we have
We should make the best use of the time we are given
Do you love the things that you do?
Are you around with the people you love?
Life is short for doing the things you hate or not doing the things you want to do
The regret will be huge when you're old
You lived a life how you wanted, not how others wanted
You will regret all the moments you wasted being lazy, sitting on a couch watching T.V. for no reason, spending hours daily scrolling social media with no purpose
No person who doesn't do the things that he wants to can be happy from the inside
Regrets you might have when you're 80 years old
Not doing what you love
Being lazy and wasting your time
Not spending more time with your family
Not taking care of your health and wellbeing
Working hard for nothing in return
Not traveling when you're young
Not enjoying your life to the fullest
Stop making excuses why you can't do the things you want to
Wasting your time so that time can be perfect is the worst excuse, and you will regret it later
There is no perfect time. The best time is now
The goal should be to live the best we can
There are so many things that we are doing every day that we will regret in the future
This book will make you more aware of your daily actions and how they will impact you in the future
After reading this book, I hope you will stop being so lazy and finally start doing what you want