
Cards (60)

  • Delirium Disturbed orientation regarding time, place, or person
  • Clouding of consciousness A state of perceptual and cognitive confusion
  • Delirium Patient exhibits confusion, restlessness, bewilderment, and a disorientated reaction that is usually associated with hallucinations and fear.
  • Twilight state A disturbance in consciousness, with hallucinations
  • Stupor A general condition wherein the patient exhibits extreme unresponsiveness and loss of orientation to the environment.
  • Coma Profound level of consciousness, abnormal state of deep stupor that is accompanied by a total loss of consciousness, loss of voluntary behavior and some reflexes.
  • Patient appears to be sleeping but is aroused easily. Coma Vigil
  • Blocking out of anxiety-causing stimuli Selective Attention
  • ________ is the excessive focus and attention is given to all internal and external stimuli due to paranoia, and is a common feature of _________. Hyper vigilance ; PTSD
  • Uncritical and compliant response to influence of idea. Suggestibility
  • Artificially induced consciousness characterized by heightened suggestibility. Hypnosis
  • The expression or outward manifestation of emotion observable to others. Affect
  • Characterized by a severe reduction in the intensity of the externalized feeling tone. Blunted Affect
  • The absence or near absence of any signs of affective expression. It can be characterized by immobile face of monotonous voice. Flat Affect
  • It is the rapid or abrupt changes in emotional feeling tone which is unrelated to an external stimuli. Labile Affect
  • The expression of one's feelings without any restraint. It is frequently and overestimation of one's significance of importance. Expansive Mood
  • A mood which is more cheerful than normal but is not considered as pathological. Elevated Mood
  • Loss of interest of withdrawal from all regular and pleasurable activities.Anhedonia
  • Presence of two opposing impulses toward the same thing, in the same person, at the same time. Ambivalence
  • Apathy is a Dulled emotional tone associated with indifference or detachment
  • Mood is regularly worst in morning, immediately after awakening, and improves as the day progresses. Diurnal Variation
  • The loss of decrease in appetite Anorexia
  • Difficulty in sleeping through the nights without walking up or difficulty in going back to sleep if awaken in the middle of the night. Insomnia ; middle onset
  • Increase in appetite and food intake Hyperphagia
  • Pathological imitation of movements of another person Echopraxia
  • Deep-seated/ingrained and habitual involuntary movement.Mannerism
  • Temporary muscle weakness and loss of muscle tone precipitated by a variety of emotional states. Cataplexy
  • Involuntary, spasmodic motor movement Tic
  • Uncontrollable impulse to drink alcohol. Dipsomania
  • Uncontrollable impulse to pull out one's hair Trichotillomania
  • Subjective feeling of muscular tension secondary to antipsychotic or other medication, which can cause restlessness, pacing, repeated sitting and standing; can be mistaken for psychotic agitation. Akathysia
  • Inability to distinguish reality from fantasy. Impairment in reality testing, with creation of a new reality. Psychosis
  • Thinking that gratifies unfulfilled desires but has no regard for reality Autistic Thinking
  • Thinking containing erroneous conclusions or internal contradictions. It is considered pathological only when it is marked and when it is not caused by cultural values or intellectual deficits. Illogical Thinking
  • Mental activity not concordant with logic experience Dereism
  • A mental state characterized by the absence of any thought processes. Catatonia
  • The tendency to think about oneself as being different from others. Ego-centrism
  • An abnormal preoccupation with death. Death Anxiety
  • An abnormal preoccupation with one's own thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations. Introspection
  • An exaggerated sense of self-importance. Narcissism