Cleavage - tendency of the crystalline mineral to break at certain definite directions, yielding more or less plane or smooth surfaces
Structures - mode of aggregation, the manner in which groups of crystals or mineral grains are arranged or inter-grown
Streak - color of the powder of a mineral as obtained by scratching the surface of the mineral or rubbing it on an unglazed porcelain surface
Luster - the general appearance of a mineral in reflected light (metallic luster, non-metallic luster)
Hardness - the resistance offered by the smooth surface of a mineral to abrasion or scratching, expressed numerically by comparison with Moh's Scale of Hardness
Fracture - the manner in which a mineral breaks in any directions other than cleavage direction in crystallized mineral
Tenacity - the property of minerals that can resist crushing, bending, or tearing or in short, its cohesiveness (brittleness, malleability, sectile, ductility, flexibility, elasticity)
Specific Gravity - the ratio of its weight of an equal volume of water at 4 0C
Magnetism - the property of the minerals that are attracted by an iron magnet