
Cards (87)

  • Deuterostomes are developed ass first and have a radial cleavage meaning cells are born on top of each other
  • Enchinodermata phylum are marine animals with eskoskeleton present composed from calcium carbonate they have a radial cleavage and a water vascular system, they can regenerate, most are gonochrotic
  • echinoderma eater vascular system works when
    1. water enters madreporite
    2. flows through store canal
    3. entering ring canal
    many have tube cell who have suckers and ampulla a sac at base used for movement and feeding
  • asteroidea class is part of the echiniderma phylum containing sea stars and sea daysis they are predators
  • holothuridea class is part of the echinoderma phylum containing sea cucumbers
  • crinoidea is part of the echinoderma phylum containing sea lilies
  • Enchinidea are part of the echinoderma phlyum contains sand dollars and sea urchin they have no arms and are covered in spines
  • ophiuroidea are part of the echinoderma phylum containing brittle stars and have the longest class
  • Chordata area part of the deuterostomes who are vertebrates with a notochord, a dorsal nerve cord that endoskeleton differs from echinoderm
  • chordata nerve cord forms 

    central nervous system its a hollow dorsal
  • chordata notochord replaced by vertebral column it helps support embryo head to tail
  • Chordata embryos contains a pharyngeal slits and postnatal tail
  • chordates have muscles arranged in blocks called somites that later form cartilage, muscle, tendons and dermis
  • Turnicates are part of the chordates that have a notochord and a dorsal nerve cord
  • lancelet are part of the chordates and are the earliest animals with notochord
  • Chordata phylum who are Deuterostomes can be divided into three subphylums
    • urochorada
    • cephalochordata
    • vertebrata
  • urochordata are part of the phylum chordata they are non vertebrate they resemble turncates during larvae they filter feed and have a tunic which is a sac that surrounds animal they are known as tall choradata
  • Cephalocardata are part of the phylum chordata they are also non-vertebrate they have no head
  • Vertebrata are part of the phylum chordata they are all animals with backbones they include fish, birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians they have a spinal column and a vertebral column allowing for the protection of the dorsal nerve
  • The characteristics of deuterostome are coelomate triploblastic bilaterally symmetrical metamerism segmentation radial cleavage blastopore becomes mouth or anus
  • A notochord is a flexible rod made up of cartilage or bone it runs along the length of the body from the brain to the anus it supports the body and helps maintain shape
  • Dorsal hollow nerve cord is a tube filled with fluid running down the centre of the body it carries messages between different parts of the body
  • Pharyngeal slits are openings on either side of the head used for breathing and feeding
  • The four classes of Vertebra are agnatha (jawless), gnathostomata (jaws) , osteichthyes (bone fish) and chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish)
  • The head developed craniates like the skull brain and eyes. It has a neural crest that develops into the brain and nervous system it happened during the Cambrian explosion
  • Agnatha are part of the jawless vertebrates group. they contain hagfishes (myxini) and lampreys (cephalaspidomorphi)
  • hagfishes myxini class are part of the jawless vertebrates have a cartilaginous skull and axial rod from notochord they do not have a vertebrae
  • lamprey cephalaspidomorphi class are part of the jawless vertebrates, they have a bony skull and vertebrae but no jaws or teeth they feed by rasping their prey with horny plates called denticles
  • Vertebrates are craniates that have a backbone that evolved during the cambrain period
  • conodonts were the first vertebrates to have a backbone and a brain
  • armored jawless vertebrates were called ostracodermis but they are extinct
  • Gnathostomes are the group of vertebrates that includes all jawed vertebrates
  • jaw bones evolved from skeleton support of the pharyngeal slits made out of cartilage during the Silurian period
  • Fishes have a vertebral column, jaws and paired appendages, internal gills, closed circulatory sys and the inabillity to synthesize aromatic amino acids
  • placoderms are armored fishes that replaced ostracodermis
  • chondrichthyes are part of the jawed vertebrates that contains sharks and rays they are covered with calcified cartilage skeleton
  • sharks are part of the chondrichthyes class that were among the first to develop teeth and a fully lateral line system that allows for pressure detection some species lay eggs
  • Osteichthyes are part of the jawed vertebrates that are bony. They adapted swim bladder and gill cover
  • swim bladders are sacs that allow regulation of density depth and gill covers are hard plates that cover the gills
  • osteichthyes are bony fish that can be divided into three major groups
    • Actinopterygii
    • actinistia
    • dipnoi