Topic 2 - Organisation

Cards (16)

  • Digestive system processes
    • Stomach acid
    • Bile
    • Enzymes
  • Enzymes
    Biological catalysts that are specific to certain substrates
  • Practical: Enzyme activity
    1. Mix amylase and starch
    2. Test for starch every 10 seconds with iodine
    3. Plot time to complete reaction against temperature or pH
    4. Find optimum conditions
  • Food tests
    • Iodine for starch
    • Benedict's solution for sugars
    • Biuret's reagent for proteins
    • Ethanol for lipids
  • Breathing
    1. Air moves down trachea
    2. Into bronchi
    3. Bronchioles
    4. Alveoli
  • Alveoli
    Have a large surface area for gas exchange
  • Blood circulation
    1. Deoxygenated blood enters right atrium
    2. Pumped to lungs via pulmonary artery
    3. Oxygenated blood returns to left atrium
    4. Pumped to body via aorta
  • Heart pacemaker
    Group of cells that create electrical pulses to make the heart contract
  • Arteries
    Carry blood away from the heart, have thick walls
  • Veins
    Carry blood towards the heart, have thin walls and valves
  • Capillaries
    One cell thick walls for fast diffusion
  • Coronary arteries supply the heart muscle with oxygen
  • Stents
    Tubes inserted into blood vessels to keep them open
  • Statins
    Drugs that reduce cholesterol
  • Heart valve replacement
    Artificial valves can replace faulty ones
  • Organisation
    Cell - Tissue - Organ - Organ System