anger management

    Cards (10)

    • what is anger management
      where an individual learns to identify the signs that trigger anger as well as learning techniques to calm down and deal with a situation in a positive way
    • what is anger management a form of
      cognitive behavioural therapy
    • what is cognitive behavioural therapy
      a treatment which aims to change the way you think and the resultant behaviours
    • what are the three stages in anger management
      • cognitive preparation
      • skill acquisition
      • application practise
    • outline cognitive preparation in anger management
      offenders reflect on past experiences and the typical patterns of the anger. the offender learns to identify situations which act as a trigger to anger. if the situation is irrational then the therapist aims to redefine the situation as non threatening
    • outline skill acquisition in anger management
      offenders are introduced to a range of techniques to help them deal with anger provoking situations more rationally and effectively e.g. by methods of relaxation
    • outline application of practise in anger management
      offenders practise what they have learnt through role play
    • outline why anger management is an eclectic approach
      works on a number of different levels, is a three step programme which identifies beliefs, teaches techniques and implements them. demonstrating anger management as a multidisciplinary approach as it acknowledges that offending in a complex social and psychological activity
    • outline why anger management is better than behavioural modification
      anger management aims to tackle the causes of offending, rather than focusing on superficial behaviours, it attempts to address the thought process which underlies offending behaviours. this treatment gives offenders insight into the causes of their criminality and a way of managing their emotions and thus may cause lower rates of reoffending
    • explain why people may not be engaging in anger management
      this programme is expensive to run and requires highly trained specialists who are capable of dealing with violent offenders. many prisons may not have the resources to fund this treatment, as well as this those who do well in this treatment must be very committed to participating and this may be problematic is prisoners are uncooperative
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