Animal Cell specialisation

Cards (12)

  • Most animal cells are specialised
  • When cells become specialised scientists call that differentation
  • Sperm cell contains their genetic information in the nucleus. Contain half of the genetic information of a normal adult cell
  • Sperm cells have a long tail and are streamlined to make this easier
  • Nerve cell sends electrical impulses around the body
  • The axon carries electrical impulses from one part of the body to another
  • The myelin sheath insulates the axon and speeds up the transmission of nerve impulses
  • Synapses are the junctions between neurones and are where the nerve impulse is transmitted
  • Dendrites increase surface area so that other nerve cells can connect more easily
  • Muscle cells can contract
  • Muscle tissue has a high density of blood capillaries to supply oxygen and nutrients
  • Muscle fibres contain many mitochondria as they need lots of energy to contract