Cell division by Mitosis

Cards (7)

  • In the nucleus we find chromosomes which are made of the molecule DNA
  • Body cells contain two of each chromosome. They are paired
  • Human body cells contain 23 pairs of chromosomes
  • Gametes have chromosomes which are not paired (ie human gametes have 23 single chromosomes)
  • Chromosomes carry a large number of genes which determine many of our features
  • Cell cycle (Mitosis)
    1. DNA replicates to form two copies of each chromosome
    2. Cell grows and copies internal structures
    3. Mitosis takes place - One set of chromosomes are pulled to each end of the cell. The nucleus also divides
    4. The cytoplasm and cell membrane divide to form two identical cells (Daughter cells)
  • Functions of mitosis
    1. Essential for growth and development
    2. Mitosis takes place when an organism repairs itself
    3. Mitosis happens during asexual reproduction