Fixing inorganic sources into organic molecules by capturing lightenergy and converting it to stored chemicalenergy or using energy from redox reactions
Ingest food into body/alimentary canal and digest it, shown by many organisms like predators, detrivores, substrate feeders, filter feeders, fluid feeders, absorptive feeders
Saprophytes/saprobes secretedigestiveenzymes exterior to body, leading to externaldigestion of complex biomolecules, then absorb the soluble, simple products of digestion, mainly feed on dead and decaying organic matter (decomposers), mostly protoctists and fungi
Food taken into cell by phagocytosis, food vacuole fuses with lysosome containing hydrolyticenzymes, digestion within cell, e.g. Amoeba, heterotrophic Protoctists
Cells release hydrolyticenzymes into gut, food digested in lumen of alimentary canal, digestiveproductsabsorbed by cells and pass into blood stream, e.g. chordates, annelids, arthropods
Emulsify fats, making them into smaller micelles with increasedsurfacearea for lipase action. Amphipathic nature means they surround small droplets and prevent them from aggregating, providing mechanicaldigestion.
Bile is a yellow/green mucous fluid produced by the liver, stored in the gallbladder and released into the duodenum via the bile duct. It has no digestive enzymes and no role in chemical digestion.