
Cards (5)

  • ''Head full of powerful incantations''
    • head full = brainwashed, cannot be rationalised/ not talked out of it
    • poweful incantations = the propaganda telling him it's good to die for your country/ honour
  • ''Shoals of fishes flashing silver''
    • sibillance = sense of grace and peacefulness
    • silver = saw the beauty of nature before his supposed death, reason of his return?
    • flashing = powerul verb, he couldn't not look at nature - shows its power of man
  • ''Which had been a better way to die''
    • had = switch back to 3rd person, to painful to discuss directly?
    • better = sense of regret
    • die = futility, his fate was inevitable, whether socially or physically
  • ''- yes, grandfather's boat - safe''
    • italics (on paper) = switch to 1st person
    • grandfather's = reminds reader that the pilot had a life and personal history too
    • safe = repeated multiple times, he is focusing on safety and life
    • safe = during his childhood, he wanted his family to be safe which contrasts to what his current family wants
  • ''as though he no longer existed''
    • ironic quote = he's alive but treated like he died
    • no longer = what the family promised to Japan, putting their national identity and honour first
    • existed = had to dehumanise to make him feel the shame his family now feels