Statistical analysis

Cards (15)

  • Standard Deviation shows by how much most pieces of data vary from the mean. +/-deviations show above/below the mean. (triangular graph, pie chart & composite bar chart)
  • SD: 1. Find the mean than subtract the mean from each data point
    2. Square each data point to make it positive
    3. Add all of data points2 then / by the number of data points (variant)
    4. Square root to get the standard deviation
  • Nominal data: numbers but used in categories (e.g. types of buildings, retail 1, residential 2)
  • Ordinal data: number that can be ordered (results of a bi-polar survey)
  • Interval data: similar to ordinal but the gap between numbers is constant (temp)
  • Ratio data: results can be analysed using a ratio (there are twice as many cars in survey 1 than 2)
  • Null hypothesis: there is no statistical difference/correlation this must be accepted unless the hypothesis is accepted
  • Spearmans Rank:
    • used to test if 2 sets of variables are connected
    • there must be a connection between the data loction/person
    • data must be monotonic (can draw a straight line of best fit)
    • normally must have 10 pairs of data to be statistically valid
  • Spearman's Rank formula
    A) rank coefficient
    B) number
    C) sum of difference2
  • Rank significant:
    • it is significant if R is above the critical values for n
    • most scientific papers require a 95% significance for the hypothesis to be accepted
    • there could otherwise be other factors creating the chance
  • T-Test Formula
  • Standard deviation is how spread out data is
  • The student's t-test looks at the means of two sets of data and decides whether there is a significant difference between the two​. It looks at the ​degree of overlap between the two samples. It applies to data that is measured on an interval or ratio scale and for data that is normally distributed around the mean.
  • The Chi-Squared test looks at the relationship between a set of data​ and a theoretical/expected set of data to decide whether the difference between the two is significantly different​. It is used to see how closely the data collected or observed by the researcher fits with the widely accepted findings.
  • The Student's T test can only be used when the data in each sample can be said to be distributed normally around the mean.