Cards (16)

  • In 1925 the first law was passed making it illegal to drive whilst drunk however, no limit was set so it was left up to the courts to decide
    • 1951 - 15% owned cars
    • 1971 - 55% owned cars 
    • In 1950’s there were 5,000 deaths related to drunk driving
    • In 1970’s there were 8,000 deaths related to drunk driving
  • As car ownership increased so did car related deaths
  • For many years the government showed little interests in drink driving and didn't even bother to collect statistics
  • 1966 - All cars had to be fitted with seat belts
  • 1967 - road safety act - introduced a blood alcohol limit of 80 mg for every 100 ml of blood
  • 1968 - first breathalysers for roadside use
  • Major complaining reduced roadside deaths, by 1100 and injuries by over 11,000
  • As a result of campaigning accidents where alcohol was involved fell from 25% to 15%
  • 1983 - high risk offenders scheme for convicted drivers with an alcohol problem
  • 1991 - death by driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs with compulsory prison sentences of up to 5 years
  • 2014 - the law of death caused by being under the influence changd to increased to a compulsory prison sentence of up to 14 years
  • penalty for drink drinking is 6 months and an unlimited fine, and a ban of driving for one year.
  • 1979 - 1640 deaths
    1989 - 840 deaths
    1999 - 460 deaths
    2009 - 380 deaths
    2016 - 230 deaths
  • Campaigning was a very important factor in changing public perception of drink driving as a crime
  • 2014 - THINK!
    91% of people believed drink driving was unacceptable
    92% of people would be ashamed if they were caught drink driving
    1979 - 1/2 of male drivers admit to drink driving at least once per week