Cards (9)

  • Donoghue v Stevenson
    Claimant drank a drink with dead snail it (unknowingly)- causes physical and psychological injuries.
    Sued the manufacturer for negligence as they owed her a duty of care
  • Kent v Griffiths
    Ambulance did not arrive in a reasonable time so the claimant suffered respiratory arrest
    Reasonably foreseeable that the clamaint would suffer if the ambulance didn't arrive
  • Bourhill v Young
    Pregnant women curious about accident but caused her to go into shock and give birth to a stillborn
    Sued dead motorcyclists family as she was proximate so he owed her a duty of care - was not HELD
  • Hill v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire
    Yorkshire ripper killing girls
    Police had enough information to arrest him but didn't
    Mother of one of the girls tried to say they owed her a duty of care but was not HELD as the police do not owe duty to person not known to them.
  • Paris v Stepney Borough Council
    Employer knew about his employee being blind in one eye - did not offer protective goggles
    He was given task which resulted in him being totally blind
    Held to have broken duty of care - special characteristics
  • Haley v London Electricity Board

    Electricity board dug hole and put up signs not barriers
    Blind person fell in the hole
    Breached duty of care - Big risk
  • Latimer v AEC Ltd
    Factory flooded - sawdust spread everywhere to prevent slipping
    Worker slipped and injured
    No breach of the duty of care as appropriate precautions were taken
  • Nettleship v Weston
    During driving lesson D hit lamppost which injured her friend in passenger seat
    D was liable as she was compared to reasonably competent driver and breached duty of care (Special characteristic)
  • Orchard v Lee
    Orchard (13) playing tag, ran into other pupil causing injury
    Not liable as the D's conduct was normal of a 13 year old