silicon valley

Cards (7)

  • Silicon Valley, California
    North Carolina that stretches from San Francisco to San Jose (Santa Clara Valley)
  • key facts
    • Global centre for high technology & innovation
    • Home to the world's largest high-tech corporations
    • 1/3 of all venture capitalists investment in US, helped become leading hub and startup ecosystem
    • Employed approx 800,000 information technology workers in 2021
    • 1st microchip
  • Silicon Valley has become known as the "capital of innovation" due to its concentration of technology startups and established companies.
  • role of venture capitalists:
    1/3 venture capitalist investments
    venture capitalists sherman fairchild funded farichild semiconducter helped them sign 1st contract
    mid 1960s fairhcild group generated $90m in sales, 2nd largest competitor in chip industry
    1960s close standford uni
    fairchild 8 reinvested wealth in companies 30 companies merged
    fairchild supported steve jobs career apple
  • role of entreprenuers
    92 descendents of fairchild employed 800000 worth $2.1trillion
    2000 companies traced back to fairchild 8
  • benefits
    ideas and career progression
    university = job
    high levels highly qualified women
    knowledge spill over
    wealthy people 3rd highest gdp per capita
    environment awareness
    high level electric car usage
  • cost
    high property prices
    transport system congested
    high level pollution
    water supply issues summer droughts
    older residents pushed out
    lack of land as protected due to threats