The product needs to exist for the other elements to function
A product is anything that is capable of satisfying customer needs
What are the layers pf a product?
core project --> actual product --> augmented product
What is the product portfolio analysis?
It asses the position of each product or brand in a firms portfolio to help execute the right marketing strategy for each. It helps to analyse what you should do to improve the profitability of any product through marketing
What are the sections of the Boston matrix?
Cash Cow
Question mark
What does a star have in terms of market share and market growth?
high growth
high market share
What does a question mark have in terms of market share and market growth?
Low market share
High growth
What does a cash cow have in terms of market share and market growth?
Low market growth
High market share
What does a dog have in terms of market share and market growth?
Low market growth
Low market share
Firms should analyse their portfolio of products, firms should aim for a balanced port with some products in each category
What are the chacterisrs of stars?
High share of rapidly growing market
position of leadership in high growth market
require high marketing spend
net cash cash inflow is neutral or at best mostly positive
What are the characteristics of a question mark?
low share of a rapidly growing market
cash flow is negative
has potential but no certainty
can be a dog or star
What are the characteristics of a cash cow?
high share of a slowly growing market
maturity in the product lifecycle
dominant share
large positive cash flow
little potential for growth
What are the characteristics of a dog?
have failed/in decline phase
low share of a slowly growing market
no potential
What are the good things about the boston matrix?
useful tool for analysing product portfolio decisions