Cards (10)

  • The product lifecycle is a theoretical model which describes the stages a product goes through over its life
  • What are the different stages?
    development --> introduction --> growth --> maturity --> decline
  • What are some ways to extend a products life?
    Lower price
    Change product
    Change promotion
    Reposition the product
    Look for other alternative distribution methods
    Develop new market segments
  • What are the weaknesses of product lifecycles?
    The shape and distribution of the cycle varies from product to product
    Strategic decisions can change the life cycle
    Length cannot reliably predicted
    Decline is not inevitable
    Difficult to recognise where a product is
  • Explain the development (and research ) stage of the product lifecycle?
    Often complex
    Absorbs significant resources
    May not be successful
    Involves long lead-time before sales achieved
  • Explain the introduction stage of the product lifecycle?
    New product on the market
    Low compacity utilisation
    High unit costs, low level of sales
    Heavy promotion
    Fast growing sales, constantly being positive
  • Explain the growth stage of the product lifecycle?
    Rise in capacity capitalisation
    Unit costs fall, with economies of scale working
  • Explain the maturity stage of the product lifecycle?
    Slower sales of growth
    New competitors and a fight for market share
    Prices and profits fall
    Cash flow positive
  • Explain the decline stage of the product lifecycle?
    Falling sales, market saturation
    Decline in profits and weaker cash flow
    More competitors leave the market
    Decline in capacity utilisation
  • What are the weaknesses of the product life cycle?
    Hard to determine where products are
    Declined are inevitable
    Doesn’t fit all products