menstrual cycle

Cards (24)

  • how often does the menstrual cycle occur?
    28 days
  • what is menstruation?
    menstruation is the breakdown of the uterus lining (starts on day1-day5)
  • what is ovulation?
    release of an egg from the ovary (day14)
  • what is fertilisation?
    when an egg and sperm cell fuse to form a zygote
  • when is fertilisation most likely to take place?
  • what happens in week 3 and 4?
    the uterus lining builds up
  • low levels of progesterone allow FSH to be released
  • high levels of oestrogen (day12/13) stimulate release of more LH
  • increasing progesterone (after day 14) inhibits FSH and LH
  • FSH stimulates growth and maturation of follicles at start of cycle
  • LH surge trigger ovulation
  • increase in oestrogen causes lining to thicken and grow
  • surge of progesterone released by corpus lutes after ovulation
  • progesterone maintains uterus lining and inhibits FSH and LH
  • as progesterone and oestrogen levels fall, lining breaks down
  • low progesterone allows FSH increase
  • LH and FSH surge at day14 (ovulation)
  • LH stimulates release of egg
  • LH causes ovulation
  • FSH causes follicle to mature
  • Oestrogen causes an LH surge and inhibits FSH
  • progesterone inhibits LH and FSH
  • growing follicle secretes oestrogen
  • if not fertilised, the corpus lutueum breaks down and progesterone levels fall