Cards (4)

  • Describe the relationship between the size and structure of an organism and its SA:Vol ratio
    • As size increases SA:Vol ratio tends to decrease
    • More thin/flat/folded/elongated structures increases SA:Vol ratio
  • What is the metabolic rate and how can it be measured?
    • Metabolic rate = amount of energy used up by an organism within a given period of time
    • Often measured by Oxygen uptake - as used in aerobic respiration to make ATP for energy release
  • Explain the relationship between SA:Vol ratio and metabolic rate?
    As SA:V increases (Smaller Organisms) metabolic rate increases
    • Rate of heat loss per unit body mass increases
    • So organisms need a higher rate of respiration
    • To release enough heat to maintain a constant body temperature e.g. replace lost heat
  • Explain the adaptations that facilitate exchange as SA:V reduces in larger organisms?
    1)Changes to body shape (E.g. long/thin)
    • Increases SA:V and reduces long diffusion pathway
    2)Development of systems, such as a specialised surface/organ for gaseous exchange e.g. lungs:
    • Increases internal SA:V and reduces long diffusion pathway
    • Maintain a concentration gradient for diffusion e.g. by ventilation/good blood supply