
Cards (80)

  • Criticisms of Psychodynamic Theory
    1. Product of victorian error
    2. Sexist
    3. Limited evidence for defense mechanisms
    4. Limited supporting evidence
    5. Not falsifiable
  • What are Freuds two theory's relating to personality
    -Psychodynamic theory
    -Psychosexual theory
  • Behaviourist theory of personality agreed with Freuds idea of what.
    Deterministic: we don't consciously choose how we behave.

    Behaviour determined by unconscious processes.
  • Main criticism of banduras social learning theory
    Cognition being in central role with influence of expectancies does not account for social learning in animals
  • Humanistic approach

    How positive motivations can be related to expression of personality
  • Skinner and Freud disagreed on what point in regards to development of personality
    Freud: unconscious processes happen outside level of awareness (ID)

    Skinner: unconscious things that affect us are in the environment that reinforce or punish us. Not conscious of these bc unaware of immediate influences on our behaviour
  • Define humeral theory

    Characterisation of personality based on humor in excess in the body.
  • What are the different stages of psychological development (psychosexual theory)
    1. Oral stage (0-1)
    2. Anal stage (2-3)
    3. Phalic stage (4-5)
    4. Latency stage (6-12)
    5. Genital stage (puberty onwards)
  • What's the 3 aspects of psychodynamic theory
    Physic determinism
    Symbolic meaning
    Unconscious motivation
  • Freudian defense mechanisms
    reaction formation,
    Identification with the aggressor
  • What's the dominant theoretical model of personality
    Trait models

    Used for research, employment, clinical setting.
  • What are the 3 levels of consciousness according to Freud
    1. Conscious
    2. Pre conscious
    3. Unconscious
  • Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Theory
    Aesthetic needs
    Cognitive needs
    Esteem needs
    Attachment needs
    Safety needs
    Physiological needs
  • Humoural theory types
    Type theory

    -Choleric (yellow bile)
    -Melancholic (black bile)
    -Phlegmatic (Plegm)
    -Sanguine (blood)
  • Choleric (humoral theory)

    Bad tempered and irritable
  • Behavioural theories of personality: where skinner and Freud differ (summarise)

    Skinner: Unconscious variables in environment

    Freud: unconscious processes inaccessible in ID.
  • "You can't ask questions about thinking, because you can't measure thinking"
    Behaviourist view
  • Personality is defined as what by Bandura
    Interaction between a persons:

    Environment their behaviour is expressed in
  • Reciprocal determinism
    Refers to fact that:

    Cognitive &
    Environmental variables

    Interact to produce personality.
  • melancholic (humoral theory)

    Gloomy and pessimistic
  • Phlegmatic (humoral theory)

    Sluggish, calm, unexcitable
  • Sanguine (humoral theory)

    Cheerful and passionate
  • Rogers believed personality was a function of what?
    -Organism (person)
    -The self (self concept)
    -conditions of worth
  • What's humanistic psychology also known as
    Positive psychology
  • Main theorists of humanistic psychology
    Carl rogers
    Abraham Maslow
  • Inconsistency's between self concept and what that person is actually like represents what factor of personality development ?
    Conditions of worth

    Carl Roger's (positive/humanistic theory of personality)
  • What's positive psychology
    How positive motivations are related to expression of personality
  • Two approaches to personality
    -Nomothetic approach
    -Idiographic approach
  • What determines personality according to bandura
  • Causes of personality
    -Shared environment
    -Non shared environment
  • Roger's Theory of Personality: personality is a function of what 3 factors

    -The organism
    -The self
    -Conditions of worth
  • What's conditions of worth
    Expectations or societal rules of behaviour
  • What's the problem with societal expectations of behaviours
    Barriers to positive personality development.

    When there's no expectations the personality development can be fully realised

    Conditions of worth leads to inconsistency between "self concept" and what they're "actually like"
  • Psychic determinism
    Behaviour driven by unconscious processes.

    Dreams, erotic symptoms and Freudian slips of the tongue represent deep psychological conflicts.
  • Symbolic meaning
    Meaning in everything.

    Mostly sexual meaning
  • Unconscious motivation
    Mind is like an iceberg with three levels

    Conscious mind
    Pre conscious mind
    Unconscious mind
  • Does Maslows hierarchy of needs follow the scientific method
    No self actualisation is unable to be tested as it's subjective and descriptive.
  • Humoral theory is what kind of model of personality

    Type model
  • What model of personality is introvert and extrovert
  • Traits
    Trait theorists think traits are factors responsible for CAUSING patterns of behaviour and that traits reside in our brains.