injectinsulin ,reducingsugar in the diet, excerciseregularly
Type 2 diabets
can'tproduce enough insulin,Obesity,liver and musclecells won't response on it (becomeresistant to insulin)
Symptoms (type 2)
tiredness, usually feelthirsty,passurinemore often.
Treatments (type 2)
1. healthylowsugardiet, regularexercise, monitor their bloodsugarconcentration.
How does the kidney filter blood?
1. the tubulefiltertheblood as it make it ways through the kidney
~ absorbanythingsmall.
~ water,urea,ions and glucose
All of the glucose are re-absorb and somewater
~ water,ions and ureagoesinto the urine instead of being re-absorb
Digestion of protein results in excessaminoacids. In the liver, these aminoacid are deaminated to formammonia (toxic).Ammonia converted intourea (lesstoxic).
Kidney failure
Treatment: kidneytransplant and kidneydialysis.
containdialysisfluid and partiallypermeablemembranes
Dialysisfluidcontainsameusefulsubstances as healthyblood.
Ureapassedoutfrom the bloodinto the dialysisfluid.
HealthyKidney from 1 person is transfer toapatient that needs it
Mostly from peoplerecentlydied.
Dialysis pros and cons
pros: cleansthebloodReplacekidney‘sjob
Cons: Time-consuminguncomfortableexpensive
Human reproduction
averagelength.28 days
Stage 1: menstruation (0-4 days)
bleeding due to breakdownofuteruslining
Stage 2 (4-14days.)
Iining starts to buildup and prepare for fertilisedegg
Stage 3: ovulation (1day)
Stage 4 (16-28days).
when egg is make and release, the follicleturns into corpusluteum
Secondary sex characterratic.
males - pubichair, growth of testies + penis,growthspurt,increasedmuscles + broadeningofshoulders
Females - pubichair,period,growthspurt,growth of beast,hipwiden for childbirth