Solutions and effectiveness

Cards (13)

  • Solutions: Effectiveness is how these flashcards will be laid out, if no colon it is a description of the solution
  • Pacification = Police going into favelas armed to control them. Police are authorised to kill criminals and make the area safe
  • Pacification effectiveness: Has worked in smaller favelas and some large favelas (around 30 have been pacified) (e.g. Dona Marta). However they cannot control bigger favelas that are heavily run by gangs (e.g. the Red Command in Rocinha)
  • Self-help schemes = Locals are - being provided with housing materials, working together to improve their houses and remove rubbish, being given legal ownership of land. Utilities being installed. Authorities working with locals to improve the streets in the favelas
  • Self-help schemes effectiveness (Negatives): Some schemes residents are made to buy houses however people who are unemployed do not have the money to do this. Expensive-Have cost government over £200 million.
  • Self Help schemes effectiveness (Positives): Almost all houses in Rocinha are made of concrete and brick. Most favelasnow have basic sanitation, plumbing, and electricity
  • Site and service schemes = Give people the chance to rent or buy some land. People can build own homes from a low interest loan. Authorities provide street maintenance (rubbish removal services and street lighting)
  • Site and service schemes effectiveness: Schemes like this are restricted by the steep surrounding mountains. Occasional heavy rains which lead to flooding impede development
  • Improving access = Cable car in Complexo do alemao cost $74 million to build
  • Cable car effectiveness: Cuts journey time. Residents unhappy as the money spent could have been used for running water and sanitation etc. Brings tourist (therefore money) into favela. Each resident gets a free return ticket each day so cheaper than using other modes of public transport
  • Redevelopment scheme (east of Rio) = High rise blocks built to re-home people living in favelas. Running water, sanitation and services nearby
  • Redevelopment scheme (east of rio) effectiveness: Provided better standard of living but was not popular with favela residents as it was far from their jobs and lacked the community spirit (like within favelas). Rents were also to expensive ($60 initial cost and $18-$26/month) for most favela dwellers
  • Charities and non-government organisations (NGO) = Providing- education and training opportunities, verbal training on improving health and materials for improving houses