rs theme A

Cards (58)

  • Human Sexuality
    How people express themselves as sexual beings
  • Heterosexual
    To be sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex
  • Homosexual
    To be sexually attracted to members of the same sex
  • Homosexuality
    To be sexually attracted to members of the same sex
  • Contemporary British Attitudes to Homosexuality
    • Homosexual relationships are more accepted
    • It is now legal to be in a homosexual relationship and couples can now marry or convert civil partnership into marriage if they wish
    • Some Muslims believe that homosexuality should not be accepted in Islam
  • Christian views on Homosexuality
    • Against God's command to increase in number- can't reproduce
    • Sexual relationships between men are forbidden in the Bible
    • Not allowed to get married within a Church
    • No detail on homosexual relationships between women as there is no penetrative sex
    • Homosexual relationship aren't sinful (as long as sex is not involved)
    • Church of England allows homosexuality as long as they are faithful and committed to one another
    • Some believe Bible teachings need to be updates to this modern society- therefore making it acceptable
    • "Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a women; that is detestable."
  • Muslim views on Homosexuality
    • Homosexuality is forbidden
    • In most Muslim countries it is against the law
    • Human sexuality is a choice but choosing to be drawn to the same sex is not right
    • It is against the natural law of God
    • It is against God's will
    • Homosexuals should control their actions and not break God's laws
    • Some believe homosexuals will have to answer to God on judgement day
    • "Must you, unlike other people, lust after males and abandon the wives that God has created for you? You are exceeding all bounds."
  • Christian views on sex before marriage
    • Acceptable (some accept as it is a valid expression for their love for one another)
    • Unacceptable (sex expresses a deep, loving lifelong union after marriage, should be sexually pure before marriage, sex should not be for temporary pleasure, it is wrong to use people for sex, and it is irresponsible to spread STI's or risk pregnancy)
    • "Every sexual act must be within the framework of marriage,"
  • Muslim views on sex before marriage
    • Sex is a gift from God and therefore must be used responsibly
    • Muslims believe that causal sex is wrong and detracts from the dignity of those involved
    • Sex should not cause harm- Children could be born out of wedlock, casual sex could lead to promiscuity and other evils such as rape and deception
    • The Qur'an forbids sex before marriage
    • It is considered the same as adultery and rape and is a serious sin
    • "The only way to protect all within society is to maintain a society where only a man and his wife share the act of sex."
  • Contemporary British Attitudes to sex before marriage
    • Sex before marriage is commonly accepted
    • Films, TV programmes, books and magazines reflect the belief that it is usual for couples who are dating to have sex
    • Sometimes young people can deal pressure to have sex before marriage
    • People want to make sure they are sexually compatible before they marry
    • Young British Muslims can sometimes feel caught in-between values of their religion and values from the culture they live in
  • Sex outside of marriage
    Sex between two people where at least one of them is married to someone else; adultery, having an affair
  • Muslim views on sex outside of marriage
    • Adultery is a serious sin
    • Muslims should avoid situations that could lead to sexual sins
    • Adultery often destroys marriage because of betrayal of trust
    • It goes against the promises made at the wedding
    • In some Muslim countries under Shari'ah law, the punishment for adultery is death by stoning
    • "A man should not stay with a women in seclusion unless he is a relative."
    • "And do not go anywhere near adultery, it is an outrage and an evil path."
  • Christian views on sex outside of marriage
    • It is wrong because it involves secrecy, lies and a betrayal of trust
    • It can effect children and cause pain to all concerned
    • Adultery breaks the promises made before God during the wedding
    • It threatens the relationship between parents and therefore children can suffer
    • Jesus taught that lust, could lead to adultery which is wrong
    • Marriage is unbreakable that demands total faithfulness
    • Jesus forgave a woman who was caught in adultery, but ordered her to 'leave her life of sin'
    • "You shall not commit adultery"
    • "You have heard that it was said 'you shall not commit adultery' but I tell you that anyone who looks at a women lustfully had already committed adultery with her in his heart"
  • Many non-religious people would agree that sex outside of marriage is wrong
  • Christian views on contraception and family planning
    • Acceptable to use (economic, environmental, physical and physiological reasons are acceptable reasons for not bring children into the world, Catholic church is not against family planning, but they should use the rhythm method to space out their children, natural methods are not reliable and medical methods should be used as long as they do not cause an abortion, help against STI's, unfair to bring unwanted babies into the world or children that you cannot take care of)
    • Unacceptable to use (it should not be used to limit their families, contraception goes against natural law, God's purpose for marriage is to have a family, prevents God's plan, sex is for making new life- therefore the two purposes should not be separated, it encourages selfishness and infidelity)
  • Muslim views on contraception and family planning
    • Acceptable to use (allowed if it effects the mothers health, allowed within the context of a marriage, a couple should be able to decide when to start a family and also how many children to have, acceptable for the mother's health, to help space out pregnancies or to avoid serious financial difficulties, no teachings in the Qur'an, Muhammad knew about birth control and accepted it)
    • Unacceptable to use (if it is to prevent children, interferes with God's plan, God gave people the strength to cope with children, if they can cause abortions they are unacceptable)
  • Contemporary British attitudes to contraception and family planning
    • Acceptable to use (it is responsible to address unwanted pregnancies in a society that is having sex, casual sex and sex before and outside of marriage, controls population growth, stops the spread of STI's)
  • Contraception
    A way of preventing pregnancy when a couple have sex
  • Methods of contraception
    • The pill
    • Injection
    • Condoms
    • Spermicidal jellies or creams
    • The coil
    • Sterilisation
    • Natural methods (having sex at certain times of the month to reduce chances of pregnancy, the rhythm method)
  • Same Sex Marriage
    In 2004, same sex couples were allowed to register and get a civil partnership that gave them the same legal rights as married couples. Same sex marriage became legal in England in 2014.
  • Christian views on Same Sex Marriage
    • Christians were against this because it was changing the nature of marriage
    • Churches are not forced (by law) to conduct same sex marriages against their beliefs
  • Muslim views on Same Sex Marriage
    • Islam forbids homosexuality
  • Marriage
    A legal union between a man or woman (or in some countries, including the UK, two people of the same sex) as partners in a relationship
  • Christian views on Marriage
    • God's gift at creation
    • It is natural for a man and women to leave their parents and bring new life into the world
    • Marriage is a sacrament, a lifelong union blessed by God
    • Reflects the love of Jesus and the agreement with God when a couple makes promises before God
    • A married couple share companionship through good and bad times and try to bring up children the way God would want
    • Marriage is a spiritual bond
    • The purpose of marriage is to provide a stable, secure environment for family life
    • Only place to enjoy sex
  • Muslim views on Marriage
    • Marriage is the foundation for family life
    • When a man marries half of his religious responsibilities are complete
    • Marriage was intended by God for the sharing of love and companionship
    • Husband and wife are equal in partnership the God
    • Adults are expected to marry as it is a normal part of life
    • Poverty should not stop marriage
    • Marriage prevents sinning
    • Marriage adds value to worship
  • Cohabitation
    A couple living together and having a sexual relationship without being married to one another
  • Christian views on Cohabitation
    • Christians who are opposed to sex before marriage believe that cohabitation is sinful
    • Anglican and Protestant Churches accept although marriage is the best
  • Muslim views on Cohabitation
    • Muslims are against cohabitation because they believe a sexual relationship should only occur within a marriage
  • Some people decide to live together before they get married to see if their relationship will work before deciding to marry and having a family. Some will never marry, but live and raise their children together in a loving partnership
  • Reasons why marriages can fail
    • Growing apart
    • Immaturity
    • Addiction
    • Domestic violence
    • Inability to have children
    • Work and money pressures
    • Disappointed in sex
    • Illness
    • Disabilities
    • Adultery
    • No communication
  • Christian views on Divorce
    • Unacceptable (vows are made before God and should not be broken, for Catholics, marriage is a sacrament that is permanent and lifelong)
    • Acceptable (there are times where it might be more compassionate and loving for a divorce, Catholics accept annulments under certain circumstances to make it as though the marriage never happened)
    • What the Church does to help divorces or prevent them (they are compassionate to anyone going through a divorce, Christian clergy offer support to couples who are having problems in their marriage, through counselling, prayer and sacraments, they might refer a couple to an outside agency, Christians should try to forgive and reconcile to make a marriage work)
  • Divorce is allowed in Britain after one year of marriage if the marriage cannot be saved
  • Reasons marriages can fail
    • Growing apart
    • Immaturity
    • Addiction
    • Domestic violence
    • Inability to have children
    • Work and money pressures
    • Disappointed in sex
    • Illness
    • Disabilities
    • Adultery
    • No communication
  • Divorce (in Britain)

    Allowed after one year of marriage if the marriage cannot be saved
  • Christian views on divorce
    • Unacceptable (vows made before God should not be broken, marriage is a permanent sacrament)
    • Acceptable (there are times where it might be more compassionate and loving, Catholics accept annulments under certain circumstances, Methodist and United Reformed Church accept civil divorce, Eastern Orthodox Church grants divorce but not more than twice)
  • Muslim teachings on divorce
    Divorce is allowed as a last resort, but is hateful to God. Process: husband must declare divorce verbally/in writing, couple must wait 3 months without sex, if wife is pregnant they must wait until birth, wife can go to court to force husband to issue divorce, husband must continue responsibility for children, Quran encourages reconciliation, husband must support ex-wife until she remarries
  • Christian views on remarriage
    • Jesus said remarriage after divorce is adultery, Catholic Church does not accept remarriage (except with annulment), Anglicans can remarry with Bishop's permission, Protestants and Methodists allow remarriage as long as vows are taken seriously
  • Muslim views on remarriage
    • Remarriage is acceptable, men should support ex-wives until they remarry, Quran discourages remarriage after divorce
  • Family
    A group of people who are related by blood, marriage or adoption
  • Nuclear family
    A couple and their children regarded as a basic social unit